Learning to forge your own jewelry is for creatively inclined people a really great thing. But if it is from these pieces of jewelry the can create their own wedding rings, the gift is perfect! Who can put on these rings on his big day, the partners then have a real unique piece on their fingers. Give Engagement teaches a course on silver or gold forging, in which they can produce the happy couple's wedding rings in accordance with personal desires.
Goldsmith course as a gift on your engagement
A silver-or goldsmith course usually takes 4 to 6 hours. Here one learns how to deal with the tools and the main background information for the material. A steady hand and good vision should be brought with you, materials with a value of 100 € will be a provided. Of course, a professional consultant is always at your side!
Self-forged silver wedding rings
Engagement rings are a symbol of love and fidelity. Like a ring is hopefully something to show the love of the couple has no end. Only wedding rings are symbolic when it prepared the respective partners themselves. The personality and uniqueness that goes into such a gem can’t be bought in any store in the world!
Conversation Game for Couples - The Exciting Gift Engagement
Those who wish to enter into the covenant of marriage should already know the potential spouse relatively well. But you know the phenomenon that occurs even after years of questions one cannot answer about the other or with the best will be in the discussions to be more than surprised about the views of the loved one? Now, such unusual questions are resolved in time at the engagement - thanks to the exciting topic of the conversation game!
Talk for couples
The talk box is especially designed for couples and involves many issues around the theme of love and togetherness. Here, partners can learn even more intense things. Not only for final clarity before the wedding, but of course, especially for designing beautiful evenings for two, the game is the ideal presents for the engagement.
Game for couples and parties
Themenbox alternative to "love" is also the original conversation game in which the neutral questions have to be spoken to God and the world. These an of course be used by couples, but also also suitable for parties and intimate evenings.