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Sunday, 22 May 2011
Tips of Foods that could Help You Lose Weight


Some of the best foods to lose weight with are also the best calorie burning foods. In this article were also going to cover some of the packaged and processed foods, that are better left on the store shelf.

The question is can you lose 3 to 10 pounds this week? The answer is definitely a yes. Start by drinking more water, it's the best thing for you and will help rid your body of toxins or chemicals.

My question is are you ready to start losing weight and get healthy? Good let's get started, first thing to do is stay away from the processed foods, frozen meals, cheese whiz, potato chips, hot dogs, snack foods like little Debbie's and dolly Madison, you get the idea.

Next is the fast food, the fries, the burgers, the pizza as they are not the best foods to lose weight with. They would be listed under foods that help you gain weight fast.

image of diet.Be aware of High Fructose Corn Syrup. No matter what your eating habits are these days, it probably has "high fructose corn syrup" in it, and I just wanted to point out a few things. The average American consumes between 41 to 60 pounds of the chemical a year, that is incredible to me.

Let's look at a few of the foods you may not even realize that you are getting high fructose corn syrup from, like Whole Wheat breads, White breads, Hamburger and Hot dog buns, Jams and Jellies, Raisin bran cereal, Special K, Ritz crackers, Pancake syrup, Ketchup, Cool Whip, Mayonnaise, Gatorade, Pop or Soda, Orange juice, cookies, and so many more.

Best Foods To Lose Weight

Some of the best calorie burning foods are lean proteins from solid foods like chicken breast, turkey breast, venison, eggs (organic is best), most types of fish, salmon, tuna, shrimp, oysters, and more.

First and foremost are fruits. Low calories and a great source of vitamins. Apples (have shown to lower fat absorption), oranges, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, cantaloupe, bananas, cherries, grapes, to get you started.

Secondly, you might need to eat vegetables. They are filled with vitamins, nutrients and fiber. You have carrots, cucumber, okra, squash, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, mushrooms, onions, and the list goes on.

Why dont you tie this all together. What you want to find is a meal plan that is designed around fat burning foods so that you can consistently lose 3 to 10 pounds in a week and continue eating the foods that you enjoy.

The best foods to lose weight are foods you already know, some are listed above and there are more. Avoid the fast food, the packaged and processed foods. Drink more water a good rule is 1/2 your weight in (ounces of water), an example is weighing 150 pounds, drink 75 ounces of water a day and more.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 31 May 2011 9:17 AM EDT
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Best Credit Cards for Students


Today, students are a popular audience and therefore are treated preferably. They are the potential customers of tomorrow and usually find great jobs after the completion of studies. Cheaper deals and discounts for students are now provided in many areas. Students receive the traditional benefits, such as the discount on tickets, but there are also specially tailored offers in the financial and insurance sector, the lucrative deals also coming to the forefront.

Some banks and other credit providers offer special student credit cards at special rates with a low annual fee. The very favorable rates are often tied to a student checking account with low or no account maintenance fees.There is also a sports credit card available. Regular income of the credit card applicant should be obtained, training assistance and side jobs being available for instance. Lately, credit cards are being given to students completely free. At first, this applies for a period of one year and can be turned into a permanent benefit. Free credit service for students is widespread and very popular, especially with banks.

Credit cards for students   a new offer on the market:

image of credit cards.Barclaycard credit cards for students

Barclaycard credit cards are available for students, being a combination of Visa and Master cards. No fees are to be paid for the Visa Card in the first year. The advantages of this double credit card- you have two credit cards and you do not have to wait for the replacement card in case of loss of a card, any of the two most common credit cards being accepted worldwide.

The Barclay's offer provides a credit line of 1000 euro, regardless of the bank and also a free co-insurance for driving in the carpool.

Barclaycard students

Students have their own desires and these are the credit cards that are specifically tailored to their needs: Barclaycard for students

Citibank credit cards for students

The VISA credit card provided by Citibank offers the usual financial freedom, flexible repayment and worldwide coverage. The Visa card is free of charge in the first year. In the following years, a fee of 15 euro is retained. This offer may ask students if they have a monthly income.

These cards are specially tailored for students who are younger than thirty. They can open a current account, which includes the student account charges, a toll-free Maestro card for online opening of the current account and the Citibank Visa student credit card.

Citibank Visa Card for students is one of the best credit cards for students. It is a credit card which offers a lot of benefits from the very beginning.

There are also free checking accounts for students and these are also often related to a free credit card or a one-year discharge from the annual fee! For instance, you can get a free checking account or current account with the lowest interest rate at ING!

1822direct card for students

1822direct bank also welcomes students with a special offer. With the new offer "Young Giro", students can use a free checking account with either a toll-free Master or Visa Card.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 May 2011 7:41 AM EDT

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