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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Playing through Life


Whether young, adult or elderly, little cats will have their fun! But what is behind this relentless activity? Why do cats like to play all their lives? Is it just a nice pastime?


Playing is not just fun....


Of course, the main purpose is the physical training. Exercise maintains the joints flexible, the muscles supple and the bones mobile. Their playing and hunting instincts are also exploited (every cat has a strong prey instinct). In particular, pure indoor cats need to play to consume their excess energy and keep their senses in shape.


But play also has another important meaning. There are certain movement patterns and exercises that develop their hunting skills. Stalking, jumping, grabbing – cats need to learn these things. Playful kittens must gain a lot of experience before they can hunt later in life. They need to practice offense, defense, mating behavior and killing bites to prepare for the seriousness of life. Intense play is just the way to help intelligent animals like monkeys, dolphins and even cats develop their instincts and skills.


Early practice makes perfect...


Everyone is born with nothing in their head. Things are pretty much the same when it comes to cats. Kittens start to play at the age of three weeks. Social games are very important, especially in the early days, so they play with their siblings and mother. Starting from the seventh week of life, they discover object-based games.


All objects that move in the environment are the prey, whether it is Mother's tail, a fly or a drop of tap water. There are no suitable toys for kittens because they also see imaginary objects. These so-called idle games consist in grasping any invisible prey in the air and on the ground. Kittens are always skillful when it comes to combining individual movements. Cats train the following skills intensively when they play: hunt jumps and catching birds and fish buckets. A hunt jump is defined as the sneaking and the targeted jump. Birds are caught with a paw blow out of thin air. And as for the fish bucket, it is smashed to the ground and then lifted into the air.


Cats reach the climax in terms of play between the eighth and the sixteenth week of life. The frequency and duration of their play activities somewhat decreases from the fifth month of life on. The cause is still unknown. Probably it is due to the fact that kittens in the wild master all pursuits perfectly at this age. Felines remain playful their entire lives. Even senior cats suddenly become nimble fighters when they chase a ball.


One of the best games for cats is playing with another living being. This also applies the other way around. Many cat owners are looking forward to playing common games with their little feline. Cats are the most beautiful pastime. You can develop real clown qualities by playing with your cat. Maybe playing with them is so much fun because their zest for life is truly contagious. You should think about getting a second cat if you leave your cat alone very often and you do not have time for it every day. Then it will never get bored again.


The end of boredom...


You should always come up with new things as a cat owner. Play with your feline to prove it that you love it. Why not try ping-pong balls? They are a popular object of desire among felines. They are easy to roll and they jump. You can also make your cat very happy with an empty cardboard box. Cut a door into it and the box will be its house. Drain and empty plastic bags work, too! Just make sure you remove the handles. This mysterious cave will be inspected by curious explorers immediately. You can roll a ping pong ball inside if you want to increase the fun. Empty thread spools are also exciting toys for cats. You can also get your little tiger to play some games in the dark with the light of a flashlight. This is a lot of fun for it. Cats feel challenged to capture the dancing spot of light. Their imagination knows no boundaries.


Always make sure that a toy is not dangerous for your cat. But the toys from a pet shop if you are not sure. Avoid sharp or small objects that can be swallowed easily. You should also make sure that the toys cannot be chewed on easily. You should buy a special cat toy from a pet shop just to be safe. You might want to buy a toy that resembles a prey animal and makes the same noise.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 10:48 AM EDT
Monday, 13 August 2012
Gamble in Casinos-Winning video poker strategies

 Can you play video poker and win? Yes. Video poker is one of the few casino games that can beat you. You do not have to be a professional video poker player, but you might find some benefits as compared to the traditional poker game. Find out how to win at video poker.

How to win at video poker

Step 1: Find the right machine

While the Jacks or Better video poker machines offer a minimal house edge and the ones available are usually not favorable for the player (unless the progressive jackpot is disproportionately high). If you want to have an advantage at video poker, you have to find a "Deuces Wild" machine in which each card can be a Deuce. The first thing that you need to do is to find the right machines to gamble in casinos. There are plenty of newest casino promotions that are offered. You can grab some of them.

Step 2: Find a full pay machine

Image of gamble in casinos.While a Full Pay Jacks or Better machine will pay nine coins for a full house and six coins for a flush, the payoffs with a Deuces Wild machine are much lower because it is so much easier to get a good hand. In Deuces Wild, you get nine coins for a straight flush and five coins for four of a kind.

Step 3: Use a perfect strategy

You have to play perfect to make a profit. You can find strategy tables online and they will tell you exactly what to do in each situation. You should have the strategy guide in front of you while you play online. Print out a copy and take it with you because the strategy can be complicated at certain points.

If you follow the tips above, you should be able to make a profit of 50 cents to a dollar for every 100 dollars. Aside from knowing the strategies, you must also familiarize yourself with the newest casino promotions that you can get. Try to gamble in casinos using the best strategies all the time.

Video poker money management

Video poker is one of the best games in the casino for those who want to come out on top. Practically, video poker has no house advantage if played correctly. But decent money management is necessary in order to be successful even with a great game.

Image of newest casino promotions.A losing streak can destroy an unprepared player even with a low house edge of less than one percent. Therefore, it is important to have a credit which is large enough so as to survive a storm.

With a house edge of one percent, you can expect to lose a dollar with every 100 dollars invested. However, you have a balance here that allows you to grab the opportunity to be happy after a long losing streak.


Determine how much you bet per hour and then try to find out how much you would lose per hour based on the house edge. If you bet 100 dollars per hour and the house advantage is set at five percent, then you can expect to lose an average of five dollars per hour. If you have a 500 dollars credit, it should be enough to play for five hours (5 dollars per hour = 100 dollars x 5 Std = 500 dollars).

The odds in video poker

It may surprise you to learn that the video poker game offers you probably the best chance in the casino, given the low house advantage. Both real and online casinos can afford to offer such great opportunities, as they only apply to the correct strategy, which most of the players do not use. It is also important to note that you need to know what your full payment options are. Machines that do not pay in full offer the casino a much greater advantage.

Jacks or Better – A full pay machine

A full pay machine is one that provides optimal payments when you get a good hand. At a Jacks or Better machine, you need at least a pair of jacks for a withdrawal and a full house pays at least nine coins, while a flush pays at least six coins.

Your odds are better if you have a perfect video poker strategy, given the house edge of less than 1 percent. This means the machine uses on average more than 99 cents of every U.S. dollar used to pay off if the strategy is applied correctly. When played wrong, the house edge is much higher, which is the reason why it is important to learn the right strategy before you play video poker.

The Deuces Wild "full pay" machines

The Deuces Wild version of the game, in which a Deuce can represent any card, you need at least three of a kind to win and the chances are really in the favor of the player if they use the optimal strategy, the house advantage being of almost 1 percent. The maximum bet is quite low. A full pay Deuces Wild machine pays nine coins for a straight flush and five for four of a kind.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Online Gambling Is Even More Addictive than Casino Gambling


Young adults are particularly at risk

Experts consider that a better control of the situation is more appropriate than a ban on online gambling.

Online gambling poses a higher risk for addiction than casino gambling. Recent studies have shown that there are currently around 2,500,000 gambling addicts in the United States of America. That is roughly the number of drug and alcohol addicts. This activity poses a major threat mainly because it is aimed at the social group most vulnerable to the gambling addiction, namely young adults.

"Online games have a higher addiction potential than traditional gambling for various reasons", says Gerard Mayor, gambling expert and psychologist at the University of Boston. First of all, online gambling is much more attractive due to the rapid event frequency. "Online poker players, for instance, can play at multiple tables simultaneously and do not have to wait so long until the next game", says Mayor.

online games Online gambling is anonymous and fast

Anonymity plays an important role in the given context. "No one checks your personal details when they play in the network, which is not the case in casinos", says the gambling expert. "Furthermore, private online providers usually offer better odds than many state companies", adds Mayor. Generally, the offers and the opportunities associated with online gambling are simply more diverse.

New rules

"The fact is that the online sector now has a strong gaming service is a great advantage for the players", said Mayor. However, this requires an appropriate regulatory framework. "In my opinion, a general ban is not a solution. This solution has never worked", explains Mayor. The gambling treaty came into force on January, 1 and has stirred a lot of conflicts. However, the ban on lottery, sports betting and casino gambling and gambling arbitrage has been preserved, but these are not the only online activities that have been banned.

Multiplayer protection instead of a general ban

"General prohibition is not a solution to the control problem. The U.S. gambling market is the perfect example of that", said Mayor. Such an attempt can only result in players seeking new ways to gamble online and enrich their experience. "In my opinion, player protection is the only way to implement a focused and controlled legal gambling market", said Mayor. It is easy to analyze a player’s behavior during a game, especially in the online gambling industry. 

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 10:26 AM EDT
Friday, 18 May 2012
Creditors Claims after Rehabilitation

The debtor should defend themselves against prosecution by presenting the order for payment and making a legal proposal on the grounds that they have "no new wealth". Creditors claim the loss of rights to make proposals due to the lack of assets in case of bankruptcy. The creditor can make demands within 20 years after reasserting itself. The indebted person must pay when acquiring new assets or when they have a source of income that allows them to acquire assets. 

You can defend yourself with sample letter attached at the bottom (with different text variants) so as to avoid unnecessary and ineffective collection procedures.

picture of debt relief. New wealth is when the assets (e.g. property or savings) exceed a certain threshold. Necessary non-work purchases such as a car are regarded as usable assets for credit debt. The indebted person can also have attachable assets, which do not belong to them legally, but may prove to creditors the obvious intention to form new assets (Article 265 a/item 3).

The debtor must be able to prove that they have no wealth or income. The debtor can have an asset-forming capital by saving enough money.

The calculations are made according to the ratios of the last 12 months prior to the order. The calculations vary from one state to another. For example, in some regions, they contain the costs for subsistence plus the basic amount, i.e. 200% of the basic amount, plus effective work-related expenses, health costs, insurance, child care costs and taxes. Some other states recognize 150% or 175% of the basic amount plus other expenses.

Complete the renovation budget with full or half the basic amount and add the eligible expenses.

1st example: The total expenditure per year: 58,000 dollars, the annual net income: 65,000 dollars, so the balance is 7000 dollars. Based on the assumption that you can save 7,000 dollars, this balance makes immediate payment to the creditor overdue. If the money does not exist, this amount can be collected on a normal wage garnishment.

2nd example: The total expenditure per year: 75,000 dollars, the annual net income: 65,000 dollars. Balance: minus 10,000. The creditor shall bear the prosecution and trial costs. Therefore, it is worthwhile for creditors and debtors to seek information in time. In case the debtor has an assets-forming source of income, a certificate of remediation is issued until a creditor "collects" the surplus.

The creditor may initiate a new prosecution for the bankruptcy of the certificates. The plaintiff wins if the debtor forgets to bring the receipt of the order of the plea, if they have a new asset or asset-forming income.

The debtor should defend themselves against prosecution by presenting the order for payment and making a legal proposal on the grounds that they have "no new wealth". They must return to the enforcement office within a period of 10 days from the receipt. This can be done directly upon receipt of the order or by a registered letter. Legal proceedings are then initiated upon the next opening of the court to determine whether there is any new asset or asset-forming income (calculated retroactively). This is a simple trial with a "brief" consideration of the circumstances. The debtor must prove that they have no new wealth with documents (e.g. tax returns, wage statements, budget)

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 10:06 AM EDT
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
How can I tell if my zebra finch is sick
  Zebra finches are not like humans. They do not complain when they are sick, but simply change their behavior. Therefore it is important to recognize the early signs of disease immediately in zebra finche as it is the only way you can act quickly and take corrective action. Finally, the little patient will soon be happy again.


Generally, birds respond to injury and illness differently than we ourselves are accustomed to. External causes of injury, even with slight bleeding, they easily put away as a rule. Even bone fractures are usually only really serious if the wings are affected. Much more serious, however, are internal diseases: respiratory infections caused by such drafts, diseases of the digestive organs and vitamin deficiency due to poor diet, or egg-binding parasites.

Symptom changes in behavior

image of bird pet. Most zebra finch diseases are to be avoided by you through care for optimal placement, appropriate nutrition and hygiene. If one of your feathered darlings is still sick, you have to act fast. But what symptoms indicate that one of your zebra finches is sick? Changes in behavior should always be a warning sign. If your bird behaves listless and indifferent, for example, or has the eyes closed or is puffed up frequently, it could indicate the onset of disease. Zebra finches normallyare brimming with zest for life and have something to do constantly. If he suddenly sleeps too much, or otherwise acts strangely, then you should be seriously worried.

A zebra finch with wet, sticky eyes that looks dull, has no luster in the eyes and isolates himself from his flock members, feels miserable. Furthermore, changes in feces are to be taken as one symptom of a zebra finch disease that could be serious. If a bird has an open beak, is breathing heavily and sits on their tail feathers on each breath, it could be the start of a respiratory illness.

When disease is there you must hurry

If a zebra finch is ill, you always need to hurry: These little animals have little resistance. For them it's dangerous if you wait too long or do nothing. A veterinarian who is familiar with zebra finches should therefore always be near you.

These are just some basic information on disease in zebra finches. There's plenty of literature, in which you can get accurate information so you can help your little friends in an emergency. Your pets will thank you after surviving the disease with renewed vitality.

Important Note

The Content Advisor cannot replace a visit to the vet. This information should not be used alone as the basis for health-related decisions. In diseases of animals and use of medication, you should consult a veterinarian.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 10:22 AM EDT
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Dahlia 'Fascination'


The purple foliage of dahlias quickly conquers people’s hearts. Actually, this is why so many people love these flowers. Dahlias are also outstanding in flower beds before they flower due to the soft green foliage and flowers in pastel tones.

image of flowers. There is no better name for this flower than dahlia 'Fascination'. Its flowers are composed of two rows of petals of an especially dazzling shade of rose. They surround a black disk studded with golden stamens. These flowers are borne on sturdy stems. They flower in mid-July until frost and they produce seeds very quickly. Their flowering still suffers.

Dahlia 'Fascination' decorates both massive and small hedges in gardens or is offered in bouquets. It is needless to say that its port is naturally stocky. This flower grows in a bush up to 50 cm tall.

The tubers should be put in the ground in the late frost period without watering. All soils are suitable for this flower, which is not at all soggy. Choose a location sheltered from strong winds. Remember that dahlias are hungry plants, so prepare your soil with well-rotted compost.

These flowers should be watered deeply more rarely rather than a little each day in hot or extremely droughty conditions. Do not wet the foliage. Remove the spent flowers regularly for the tussocks to remain sharp.

In areas where the soil freezes in winter, you should dig the tubers in autumn without washing and store them in a dry and frost-free place. In areas where the winters are mild, you can leave the tubers in the ground provided that the ground is not waterlogged in winter. Otherwise, you should cut all the stalks from the ground in November and then spread a layer of dead leaves on the stem and protect them.

The identity card of Dahlia 'Fascination'

Family: Asteraceae
Dimensions: This variety is approximately 50 cm tall and spread. It is ranked among the peony flowers.
Spacing: Dahlias should be planted at a distance of 30 to 40 cm for a greater effect. They should be buried 10 cm deep into the ground.
Growth: Fast because the growing cycle begins in April-May and ends in October. The tubercle allows the plant to survive in winter, but it should not freeze.
Appearance: The root is in the form of a tubercle from which upright stems and many leaves arise. The foliage is purple, almost black.
Flowering: Abundant and lasts from mid-July to early October. The semi-double flowers that measure 10 cm in diameter are composed of large purple or pink petals.
Soil: Good garden soil is appropriate provided that it is not soggy.
Exposure: Full sun is required for abundant and long-lasting flowering.
Climate: Dahlias can be cultivated in all regions. The planting takes place after the last spring frost.
Resistance: Dahlia 'Fascination' is resistant to the viruses that generally affect dahlias.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 9:48 AM EDT
Thursday, 3 May 2012
The Vitamins of the B Group

Vitamin B1 or thiamine

This vitamin is found in seeds or whole grains (wheat, rice, etc...), sprouted grains, legumes, brewer's yeast, calf liver, nuts and peanuts.

Thiamine maintains the nervous tone and helps to assimilate carbohydrates. Alcohol mobilizes the vitamin B1 you ingest and also prevents your body from absorbing it. Alcoholics often have thiamine deficiency. Vitamin B1 excess is known to cause beriberi (nervous paralysis) as well as digestive problems.

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin

This vitamin is found in the same products as vitamin B1. It is involved in the cell oxidation process (respiration). It is also essential to the proper digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The body needs this vitamin to produce and repair the tissue and membranes of the body. It also helps to better withstand stress. Its deficiency causes stunting and disorders of the skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin B3 or niacin

This vitamin is mainly found in brewer's yeast, mushrooms, whole grains and legumes. It helps the body to better withstand the physiological stress caused by surgery or accidents. Niacin dilates the blood vessels and lowers the triglycerides and cholesterol levels.
Overconsumption of baby vitamin B3 or PP causes vessel dilation, itching, tachycardia, hypotension, syncope and liver problems.

Vitamin B4 or adenine

This vitamin is found in all foods rich in protein, like yeast and tea. Vitamin B4 is rare.

Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid

This vitamin is found in liver, mushrooms, fish, royal jelly, egg yolk, whole grains, brewer's yeast.

It helps the body assimilate carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Also, it plays a role in the production of certain hormones and substances that regulate the activity of the nerves. It acts as an antioxidant and helps in the fight against aging, as well as neutralizes many pollutants and toxins in the tissues. Aspirin, birth control pills, antibiotics, coffee and alcohol may impede the proper assimilation of vitamin B5.

vitamins. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine

This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, corn, whole grains, soybeans, potatoes, nuts, cabbage, wheat germ, cane juice, milk and egg yolk.

It is essential to the functioning of the nervous system as it allows nerves to transmit their impulses properly. It is a diuretic that removes water and water soluble toxins. It participates in the production of antibodies and red blood cells. The spleen and thymus need vitamin B6. Its deficiency leads to disorders of the skin.

Vitamin B7

This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, sprouts and wheat germ. Vitamin B7 is involved in fat metabolism and the synthesis of lecithin, which lowers the cholesterol levels.

Vitamin B8 or biotin

This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, cauliflower, peanuts, peas and mushrooms. Vitamin B8 is recommended for skin problems (dry and dull skin, acne, some forms of eczema and hair loss). Watch your intake of antibiotics, birth control pills and alcohol.
Its deficiency causes an alteration of the skin (dermatitis with seborrhea), atrophy of the papillae of the tongue and psychic asthenia.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid

It is found in brewer's yeast, spinach, almonds, strawberries, raspberries and currants. This vitamin has poor resistance to heat, light and oxygen.

Vitamin B9 is involved in protein synthesis. Many factors can reduce the synthesis of vitamin B9 in the intestines or its assimilation (including barbiturates, certain hormones, antibiotics, aspirin, alcohol...). An excessive consumption of vitamin B9 causes irritability, insomnia and seizures.

Vitamin B10

This vitamin is found in wheat germ, brewer's yeast, cabbage, bananas, tomatoes and beans. Vitamin B10 combats the appearance of gray hair. It is mainly used in dermatology against psoriasis and to protect sensitive skin against sunburn.

Vitamin B11

This vitamin is widely present in foods of animal origin.

The body synthesizes an important amount of vitamin B11 provided that it has enough baby vitamin C, B3 and B6 and iron. It is necessary in case of excessive thinness, muscle atrophy, impaired secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices, obesity and heart disease.

Vitamin B12 or cobalamin

This vitamin is found in animal liver, fish, eggs and milk, but virtually absent in plants except algae, shoots and germinated seeds.

Vitamin B12 is involved in the development of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to severe anemia. Although it is generally tolerated well, its consumption stimulates cell proliferation (accelerates the progression of an existing cancer).

Vitamin B13, B14, B15

Vitamin B13 is found in milk, yoghurt and plant roots and protects the liver cells, facilitates the elimination of uric acid and allows the intestinal flora to thrive.
Vitamin B14 is studied very little. It is mainly present in insect wings and crab meat.

Vitamin B15 is found in brown rice, sesame seeds, pumpkin and yeast and promotes oxygenation and cellular respiration and prevents fat from accumulating in the liver.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 9:57 AM EDT
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Should You Chat with Your Opponents When Playing Online


You have probably noticed that you can chat with your opponents while playing poker online. Is this recommended or not?

The chat - a world apart...

The chat is available in a small window in the lower left corner like in the PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker rooms, but can take much more space like it does in Winamax (a retractable window). Online casinos are very popular these days.

Talking about a chat over a game of poker is sometimes the most hilarious comedy or the most dreadful tragedy. Whether it is at a bad beat or the player hits the keyboard too hard or the two players are discussing about "Celebrity Farm", one can read everything during a poker chat.

It is strongly advised not to talk too much during a game. Many players use the chat to destabilize the players and announce "a hand" by writing for example, "A8" (which stands for Ace-8). By no means should you believe what these players write. The chances that a player actually has what they write they have are very low, so consider they had never spoken and play your shot as you would normally. This is a way of bluffing players seem to be more and more interested in.  

A good player can chat with their opponents if they are sure of their game. Daniel Negreanu, for instance, speaks at a poker table in order to read his opponents. Why should it be different online? First of all, the chat is a totally different world from the real one, a world where players express their resentment and no one can see their reactions. Of course, you can read an opponent by their way of writing: these are called tells in online poker!

But the comments posted in the windows are often meant to cover tracks during a game. The chat is becoming rarer and rarer and more serious while it generally depends on the limit and the type of game you are playing. The conversations are much more random if the limits are lower. Do not overdo it because you will provide guidance to your opponents, especially during intense parties where important bets are made. Stay focused at all times.

Shut up and play!

Feel free to delete a conversation if you feel oppressed by it and accept only the important messages. This option is available in the largest poker rooms. However, note that some rooms do not allow you to hide the discussions at the table. For instance, this holds true on Winamax. However, you can retract the window to the right. Well, this is a big flaw poker rooms should remedy and fast.

Whether the limits are low or average, the information provided is often banned because it is either the result of a player’s frustration or an attempt to "mislead" the players (induction in error).

In conclusion

It is much safer to play against an opponent that expresses themselves live at a table rather than against one that expresses themselves online.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 8:02 AM EDT
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
The Notion of Dominance

The history of dog training, hierarchy and dominance

Studies were performed on packs of wolves in captivity around 1940. The usual and traditional educational model of the dog is based on these erroneous observations. We now know that these initial observations led to misinterpretations and unfounded statements based on conclusions on the functioning of the human family (families in refugee camps were studied - David Mech, University of Minnesota/United States of America). Coppinger and Mech studied wolves and groups of wild canids for years (more than 35 years). Today, you should change your view of the dog and the relationship you should have with it. You need to forget the dominant/dominated model. That notion is outdated, incorrect and inappropriate. You must stop taking wolves as an educational model for the education of your dogs.

For example, there is no Alpha male that must eat first. Therefore, there is no requirement on who should eat first. The dominant eats first: false observation. Wolves eat the prey, such as lions and lionesses the same way wild dogs or coyotes do. Following the model of wolf breeding in the education of dogs is like following the model of monkeys in the education of children.

If you have dogs, you alos need to be aware of the ticks on dogs which can easily affect them.

The "dominant": the dominance hierarchy in dogs

The dominant is not a fighter but a calm and collected individual. The dominant is not an authoritative figure. The dominant is a dog capable of... Its qualities are ... The dominant status is flexible as dominance is contextual and situational.

Example: Dog A in a group has a better smell while dog B has a greater flexibility/speed. Dog A lead the hunt due to its smell while dog B leads the attack due to its speed.

This also works in humans. Madame runs the kitchen and home (she dominates when it comes to household chores), Mister reads maps (he dominates the travelling area) and the son manages the computer part (he dominates the logistics)...

The comments of David Mech (1999, 2001) conclude that a pack is "a family" with adult parental figures that serve as guides. These "parents" do not use physical violence. (They only fight during the breeding season).

The learning methods should be positive and friendly so non-associative and positive reinforcement methods are not requires. Removing ticks from dogs must be done well too to keep the ticks away from dogs.

You cannot demand anything your dog has not been taught. Teach your dogs to respect your rules of life (not the user manual with a legend or a list of prohibitions: the dog should not... the dog should not...) No! You should have your own rules of life for you and your 4-legged companion.
There are also professional dog trainers that can help you set up your rules and not impose a list of rules your dog should or should not comply with. Nobody gives you a list of rules on how to raise your child.

The rules of life are not the same for everyone. Some dog owners allow their dog on the couch, for instance. You need to select your rules of life with your canine companion.

Are you a guide/leader or dominant? What would you be? What relationship do you want to have with your dog?

There is a big difference between asking the dog to "sit" if it has not been taught and saying "My dog ​​does not obey me" or "My dog ​​is stubborn".

And there is also another difference in the way you teach your dog to sit:
- Either by punishing it (P+) and pressing its back until it sits down, in which case the dog sits down to avoid the punishment, or in an actual constructive way. It is already stressed enough by the fact that it has to concentrate on learning these things, so it does not need an additional punishment (P+).
- Either you learn to sit on the non-associative learning and help, guide and reward your dog when it does something good.

Are you a dominant or a leader?

Author: Lisa Leicht, “Animals and More”. The difference between a dominant and a leader is that the leader never uses provoking or dominance. You should not be a dominant. Dominants use “I”. The leader uses “we”. The dominant inspires fear. The leader inspires trust. The dominant knows how. The leader watches how. The dominant gives orders. The leader watches how they are obeyed. The dominant recurs to authority to get things done. The leader relies on collaboration to get things done. The dominant promotes resentment. The leader promotes enthusiasm and motivation.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 April 2012 7:44 AM EDT
Friday, 30 March 2012
Baby Room Wall Stickers for a Baby Gift Ideas

The birth of a child is always a small miracle for young parents, it is  the best experience you can imagine. During pregnancy preparations are made, and baby room furniture selected lovingly furnished to the arrival of the new family member to make things as smooth as possible.

Special care center for most parents, of course, is a completely harmonious decoration in the baby room. Bright colors and fun, child-oriented model in combination with sweet baby furniture create a pleasant atmosphere. Because it makes sense to contribute with a gift for the baby to this feel-good atmosphere. A great idea for this are wall tattoos in the baby's room. Even for the little ones there is a large selection of cute wall tattoos, which are wonderful gift ideas for babies and ensure lasting joy.

Here we present some of the best:

Baby Room Wall Decals gift idea "Some things start small ..." "Some things start small, some large, but sometimes the smallest is the greatest ..." This beautiful baby wall sticker slogan makes sure exactly what parents feel after the birth of her baby and is a great gift for the baby room.

Funny Baby room wall tattoo "Keksfresser" as an original gift idea

For young parents with humor, these wall stickers a funny gift idea. It does particularly well at the door of a little cookie monster and makes even sleepless nights pleasant.    
Wall Decals underwater world with turtles

Even babies are looking forward to know when they can explore an interesting designed environment. Baby room wall tattoo make great decoration over the changing table or cot, for example. The color of the respective wall tattoos of course, is shown in all subjects freely selected. In addition, all are available in three different sizes.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 9:30 AM EDT

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