The birthday newspaper concept is probably one of the most inspired choices for one’s birthday. What exactly does that mean? In a birthday newspaper, the focus is on the celebrated one by referring to key data in their life and character. The photos, articles or small texts all make for a very personal gift that will make any recipient happy on such a special day. These can be nice presents for the birthday.
Whoever wants to put together a newspaper has different variants to choose from. A chronological outline is an option. Important events can be marked each year with a picture of a story or perhaps old newspaper articles. This variant is particularly suitable for advanced anniversaries. If the celebrated one is young, then one can build the birthday newspaper like a real newspaper. First comes the headlines: Current events in the life of the celebrated one, for example, the current celebration of the anniversary. In the marketing area, you could find a way to deal with money terms.
Maybe a girl's birthday is a real penny pincher or more of a playboy. The experiences of friends and relatives of the celebrated person are very important. The sporting achievements are to be listed in the sports section. If ‘there aren’t any, other activities are to compensate such as witty athletic performances. It is best to make reference to the favorite pastimes of the celebrated person. Another possible section of the newspaper is the features section. Here you can compare the life of the celebrated person with that of Roman heroes and write a kind of book review.
You can also write a (fictional) biography of the person. This way, you can fill the "International news" and "Local news" sections. In no case should a horoscope be missing. A horoscope is also another possible option for a birthday newspaper. Various events in the life and character will be treated based on the birth chart. The version chosen is also crucial: It is important that there is always a common thread running through the newspaper and that a clear structure is visible. It will surely help you find the best presents for the birthday.
Professionals in graphic design on the PC
Different techniques are used in the design. Professionals in graphic design will probably prefer to do the whole work on the computer. Photos can be scanned and put in the appropriate place. Or you can place personal photos and mementos such as postcards and drawings among the articles. True fans can craft very individual design offers. Small decorative elements like flowers and personal memories like children's drawings can be introduced using special instruments. There are so many complicated and unique types of newspapers. Particular attention should be paid to the cover page.
Color in the title page
Although the actual newspaper is printed in black and white, a color cover usually makes a better impression. Of course, a photo of the celebrated person is necessary for the title page. The cover sheet may be protected by a film to give the paper a high-quality touch. The newspaper has added stability if the last sheet is made of a stronger sheet of paper.
Once you have designed all the sheets, you have to decide on a binding. Clamping rails are an inexpensive option. The individual leaves are held together with a plastic rail. It is also worthwhile looking for staplers in a stationery shop. There are high-quality models that are quite suitable for a birthday newspaper. A more professional, but also more expensive option is the spiral binding. If you do not have a binding machine, you can buy such services in specialized stores. A newspaper is a very special birthday gift. However, high-quality materials should be used for this idea and the work itself to be worthwhile. Then the newspaper will have a great success with the recipient.