The lively zebra finches with their bright color and their horns are typical for anyone who wishes to observe birds, a nature experience. Most of the animals kept by us are originally from Australia and live there in large flocks. Nevertheless, zebra finches can live a good life up to eight years old assuming that the holder takes into account their preferences and wishes for an appropriate habitat.
The beautiful and relatively robust birds should never be kept alone and need lots of space to fly and run around. Therefore, there can never be too large cages and aviaries for them, just too small. The basic dimensions of a zebra finch cage are a pair of 80 to 100 cm in width, 40 to 50 cm in depth and 50 to 70 cm in height. The grid spacing should not exceed 12 mm. The selection from cages and aviaries is huge. You'll be spoiled for choices.
Rods to sleep and for gymnastics
A variety of equipment is essential to a species-zebra finch attitude. Finally, your feathered friends will never be bored. As seating is standard you must offer perches with a diameter of 8 to 12 mm. Natural wood in different thicknesses and at different altitudes are attached to the cage. You need only to pay attention to the fact that they can embrace it because otherwise they do not wear their claws. Zebra finches prefer to sleep in nests that they, if there is space and the opportunity build, like yourself. If you don’t want offspring, however, you should refrain from nests.
Since zebra finches have a great urge to move, they should be allowed to climb and do gymnastics in their aviary and should be allowe onto ladders, ropes or small branches that are hung in the cage, to invite gnawing. Since the animals in the wild spend a large part of the day looking for food, you should also offer them opportunities to try to find their food. You can even buy a piece of equipment or toys appropriate for filling with food in your pet store.
Scratch to eat, bathe
Feeding bowls are available for hanging to the bars, and there are food bowls made of ceramic. You also need bird sand and a Whetstone for the well-being of your feathered friends. One must in the habitat of zebra finches in no case be missing: the bathroom. Since zebra finches in addition to the preening and well-being very much like swimming – it’s even common – it is standard necessarily then to provide a bath house or a large enough bath bowl, so they can be splashing in it to their heart's content.
Now you need to still choose the right location for the bird cage, with no train, smoke and loud noise, then you've done everything that your charges when you feel it is right.