Cat food is usually made of animal corpses which are pressed, colored and preserved with artificial flavorings. Dry food is obtained by removing all the moisture these corpses have.
Cat food may cause illness. Cheap cat food is health hazardous in the long term.
Animal by-products
Only about half of a slaughtered animal is used for consumption. The rest is used otherwise. Manufacturers try to maintain the profit margin in the killing of these creatures as high as possible. Everything from the animal corpses that is not suitable for human use could end up in the "food bowl," at least theoretically, starting at the nose, ears, sexual organs, blood, etc. Animal by-products thus also find their way into the stomachs of the pets living with us.
Animal by-products can cause a variety of diseases. They can promote cancer and many other degenerative diseases. The fish introduced in cat food often contains high amounts of mercury, bacteria and toxic chemicals.Not all cat insurance plans cover problems resulted from bad food.
Official declaration of "meat and animal by-products" under 79/373/EEC: "All flesh parts of slaughtered warm-blooded land animals, either fresh or preserved through an appropriate procedure, and all products and by-products resulting from the processing of animal carcasses or parts of carcasses of warm-blooded animals."
Salmonella and other pathogens are found in about 50% of meat meals. The food of domestic animals is heated to prevent disease. This process favors the release of endotoxins. Endotoxins are suspected of causing renal diseases.
Growth hormones are used with "farm animals" so that they grow faster and are stronger. Growth hormones can cause cancer.
Many additives that are not approved for human consumption are safely used for animal food. There are so many preservatives, dyes and food supplements of questionable quality which jeopardize the long-term health of a pet.
Preservatives and antioxidants
- Etoxyquin
- Sodium nitrate is also used for coloring
BHA = Butylates Hydoxan
Possible diseases favored by BHA
- Cancer
- Liver damage
- Brain defects (including developmental disorders)
- Behavior disorders
These substances are often not listed on the packaging!
Inferior fats
According to Lisa Newman, fats from restaurants and chips stands which come close to the disgust factor in terms of quality and are used for animal feed are responsible for many allergies in pets. Strongly heated fat contains tons of toxic substances.