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Monday, 24 October 2011
The Halloween Customs


Halloween customs

The creepy and beautiful atmosphere of the Halloween has everyone to celebrate the occasion regularly. It has become a tradition and some customs for the celebration have been practiced for long.

doctor costumeIt is also a custom during the Halloween to wear nice costumes like the doctor costume.

For many centuries, the Halloween has been celebrated by a lot of people and customs and traditions are part of the celebration. These make the celebration more memorable for everyone.

One of the traditions is about  love. It has been done by a lot of people for so many times already. The freshly harvested nuts are thrown on fire. The effect on the nuts will be the main basis. For example, you can use different nuts with the names of the loved ones. Label them and throw them in fire. The nut which burns brightest is, of course, the chosen one.

If you have a partner already, you can by nuts to have an idea on what will happen in the future. If both nuts got burned, this is a good sign but if one nut jumps out of the fire, this is a sign of infidelity.

There are different customs practiced during the Halloween. One thing that you have to remember is that you need to have a nice costume like the dreamy doctor costume. You just have to discover them yourself.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 October 2011 10:04 AM EDT
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Learn the Rules of Omaha Hold em Poker


Generalities about the rules of Omaha Hold'em
The course of the Omaha poker game
Specificity of Omaha in terms of hand formation
The different variants of Omaha Hold'em
Hi/Lo Omaha
Hi Omaha

Omaha is one of the most popular poker variants in direct competition with Texas Hold'em. The rules of this game are simple but it has still certain characteristics as compared to other variants of poker. In general, there are two versions of Omaha poker: Hi/Lo Omaha, which is played especially in North America, and Hi Omaha, which is played especially in Europe.

picture of poker game. Generalities about the poker rules of Omaha Hold'em

Omaha Hold'em resembles another very popular poker variation when it comes to the course of the game, Texas Hold’em. However, Omaha has some specific features when it comes to the formation of hands but also the gameplay.

The course of the Omaha poker game

An Omaha Hold'em game has four stages: pre-flop, flop, turn and river. In the pre-flop, each player receives four cards face down and then they have to decide how they bet in the first round of betting. Once all bets have been made, the dealer deals the flop which consists of three community cards visible to all players. A new round of betting then starts. Then a fourth card is revealed, the turn, and then a fifth one, the river. Now all the community cards have been dealt.

Specificity of Omaha in terms of hand formation

Remember that a player must use two cards out of the 4 distributed in the pre-flop and three cards from the community cards to form his hand. Also note that the Omaha poker games are generally Limit games, that is to say the raises are limited and pre-established early in the game, and more rarely but almost never Pot Limit or No Limit games.

The different variants of Omaha Hold'em

There are two Omaha poker variants. Hi/Lo Omaha is played more in North America while Hi Omaha, on the other hand, is played more in poker rooms and casinos in Europe and at the best poker sites online. The two versions of Omaha are very interesting and totally different from a strategic point of view even if the course of the parties remains the same.

Hi/Lo Omaha

High/Low Omaha is a rather original poker variation. Each party usually has two winners who split the pot - on the one hand, there is the player who forms the strongest hand and then there is the player with the weakest hand. However, sometimes a player manages to have both the highest hand and the lowest hand, in which case he gets the whole pot. It is this rule that makes this Omaha poker variation so interesting. Therefore, you can try to form the lowest hand instead of looking only to outperform your opponents.

Hi Omaha

The Omaha Hi variant is a classic variant with only one winner, namely the player who has the strongest hand. This is usually a Pot Limit game

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 21 October 2011 8:35 AM EDT
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Laser Treatment for Superficial Blood Vessels


Superficial vessels on the face, trunk and extremities can be removed by the long-pulsed neodymium-YAG laser with a green wavelength (1064 nm). This is almost free of side effects.


The most important applications for vascular lasers are for red enlarged veins on the cheeks and nose (rosacea), spider naevi, haemangioma or ruby ??spots (Angioma), congenital blood vessel abnormalities such as port-wine stains (nevus flammeus) or blood sponges (hemangiomas). Vasodilation in the legs, called spider veins, may not be effectively treated with this laser treatment. A cosmetic laser surgery treatment of spider veins is therefore effective only in combination with sclerotherapy.

picture of laser treatment. Operation

The neodymium-YAG laser produces a so-called selective photothermolysis. The laser energy, which are very short green light pulses, is selectively absorbed by the red blood cells in the enlarged veins. The red blood cells are heated to bond the vessel walls. This can target destroyed superficial blood vessels in the skin without damaging surrounding tissue.


The treatment usually requires no special preparation of the skin. To avoid pigmentation problems, you should avoid the sun a few  weeks before the treatment. There are necessary doses of medication. You should discuss the treatment with us. For some medicines such as antibiotics or anti-malaria drug, which can make the skin light sensitive, you need to inform us about these medications.


To protect your eyes during treatment should have a special eye protection. Each pulse covers a circular area of three to seven millimeters in diameter. Through a newly developed separate cooling device, the upper skin layers are cooled continuously during laser operation. So you will feel only a slight stinging or tingling sensation during treatment. A local anesthetic is usually not necessary. Depending on the size of the treated area, the treatment may be for only five to 15 minutes.

After treatment, the fine veins on the face and the skin can be slightly reddish for several hours and possibly a little swollen. To prevent swelling, you should treat the skin area for about an hour with wet compresses or cool bags to keep it cool. Since you are allowed to put make up to the laser-treated areas immediately with a standard make-up, you can be socially presentable once again. Sports activities are also unrestricted. However, you should avoid sun exposure and tanning the skin four weeks of intensive heat treatment. The success of the treatment can be assessed after four weeks. The removal of extraneous blood vessels never succeed in a single session. To removeblotches, usually, about two to three sessions are required.

For larger vessels, such as haemangioma, blemishes, spider veins, bluish discoloration can happen after the laser treatment done by a cosmetic doctor. This could last for several days. While a single treatment for the so-called ruby spots on the upper body is usually sufficient, the treatment of major blood sponges (hemangiomas), blemishes and spider veins may be lengthy and may require at least 5-10 sessions. The treatment of spider veins should be combined with desolation.

Risks and side effects

More serious side effects such as blisters, scabs or scarring occur in contrast with older lasers or sclerotherapy but are usually not longer. At times, pigmentation problems are temporary. The permanent lightening (hypo pigmentation) or darkening (hyper pigmentation) of the treated skin areas is extremely rare when UV light is strictly avoided for at least four weeks before and after treatment

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Habitat for zebra finches Can Never Be Too Big
The lively zebra finches with their bright color and their horns are typical for anyone who wishes to observe birds, a nature experience. Most of the animals kept by us are originally from Australia and live there in large flocks. Nevertheless, zebra finches can live a good life up to eight years old assuming that the holder takes into account their preferences and wishes for an appropriate habitat.


image of bird pet. The beautiful and relatively robust birds should never be kept alone and need lots of space to fly and run around. Therefore, there can never be too large cages and aviaries for them, just too small. The basic dimensions of a zebra finch cage are a pair of 80 to 100 cm in width, 40 to 50 cm in depth and 50 to 70 cm in height. The grid spacing should not exceed 12 mm. The selection from cages and aviaries is huge. You'll be spoiled for choices.

Rods to sleep and for gymnastics

A variety of equipment is essential to a species-zebra finch attitude. Finally, your feathered friends will never be bored. As seating is standard you must offer perches with a diameter of 8 to 12 mm. Natural wood in different thicknesses and at different altitudes are attached to the cage. You need only to pay attention to the fact that they can embrace it because otherwise they do not wear their claws. Zebra finches prefer to sleep in nests that they, if there is space and the opportunity build, like yourself. If you don’t want offspring, however,  you should refrain from nests.

Since zebra finches have a great urge to move, they should be allowed to climb and do gymnastics in their aviary and should be allowe onto ladders, ropes or small branches that are hung in the cage, to invite gnawing. Since the animals in the wild spend a large part of the day looking for food, you should also offer them opportunities to try to find their food. You can even buy a piece of equipment or toys appropriate for filling with food in your pet store.

Scratch to eat, bathe

Feeding bowls are available for hanging to the bars, and there are food bowls made of ceramic.  You also need  bird sand and a Whetstone for the well-being of your feathered friends. One must in the habitat of zebra finches in no case be missing: the bathroom. Since zebra finches in addition to the preening and well-being very much like swimming – it’s even common – it is standard necessarily then to provide a bath house or a large enough bath bowl, so they can be splashing in it to their heart's content.

Now you need to still choose the right location for the bird cage, with no train, smoke and loud noise, then you've done everything that your charges when you feel it is right.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 8:02 AM EDT
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
Kids Digital Cameras - Sturdy, Waterproof Cameras as a Gift for Little Artists

Photography is not just a hobby that inspires many adults. I's great for children to be able to create do it yourself photos and record a piece of their world. Since commercially available digital cameras are quite sensitive, however, there are special cameras for children. These are made to survive without difficulty if they are thrown or dropped and are equipped with very large buttons and bright colors adapted to the needs of the kids. So the kids can express their creativity without having to have to worry about the camera!

image of gift. Waterproof Digital Camera from Fisher Price
With this device nothing can really go wrong! The camera is well padded, waterproof and ergonomically shaped. Available in blue and pink and patterned with different covers, it also makes it a hit! Especially practical: the camera has two adjacent search windows. The child must not screw up their eyes! Images are transferred via USB to the computer.

Crayola Kids Camera
The camera from Crayola makes small children the artist: The camera with the convenient handles includes a child-friendly software that includes games and workshops. It also includes a scrapbook kit, and everything the child needs to create a creative photo album, such as colored paper and glitter. The camera takes pictures at 2.1 megapixels.

VTech Kidizoom Digital Camera
The Kidizoom is a small high tech device! The robust and handy camera with double zoom, not only can be connected to the computer and the TV, but with the accompanying headphones, the child can even listen to music because the camera, as an alternative to taking photos,  takes up to 60 MP3 files!

Underwater Video Camera from Little Tikes
The Little Tikes camera in the unusual design can make not only photos, but also video films of 10 - 15 minutes. Since it is completely waterproof up to one meter in depth, it is the perfect companion for summer enjoyment. Rather than in a search window, everything is displayed on a display, so that children have it when filming their environment or in view.

Disney Pix Click Hannah Montana or High School Musical
Find more simimar gifts at www.babystoys.co.uk.Disney has a large selection of cameras for children and young people. Particularly enthusiastic about the design here, the popular movie theme shows such as Hannah Montana or High School Musical. The major asset for Disney fans: with the Disney image templates and backgrounds can own the photos will be edited first.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Friday, 16 September 2011
3 Ways to Lose Weight

1. The weight loss patch

Perhaps the most attractive advantage of using a patch is that it is very easy to use. You do not have to remember to take any pills, there are no special diets and no exercise routine is required. Of course, sticking to a healthy diet and exercise program is best for your overall health, but if you cannot stick to it all the time, the patch may be a solution that works better for you.

A weight loss patch provides your body with the active ingredients by transdermal ways, meaning through the skin. The patch ingredients go directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive tract and the liver. Simply apply the patch on a smooth surface of the skin and change it every three days. That is all the maintenance that is required.

Hoodia patches can also be used occasionally, if you are traveling and you know that you eat a lot, but you are too busy to cook the right foods. A patch suppresses your appetite, which will help you develop good eating habits and find your ideal weight. This principle is also called the Jojo numbers principle.

2. Appetite suppressant pills

In the first place, curbing the appetite to stop the influx of calories seems the logical way to lose and maintain your weight. But we are bombarded with confusing claims for appetite suppressant pills which are printed everywhere - on the radio, on television, on billboards while driving and so on. Therefore, it is difficult to know which diet pill can help you lose some pounds and to keep them away.

Some diet pills increase your heart race, cause your hands to shake or give you a general "wired" feeling. To avoid these problems, stay away from products like ephedra, ma huang and ephedrine.

A herbal diet pill, which has been advertised a lot lately, is Hoodia Gordonii. The authentic plant comes from the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. Respectable television shows lasting 60 minutes like the Today Show, BBC and even Oprah's "O" magazine have reviewed it for its fast acting appetite qualities. While it may take 1-2 weeks to work fully, many users report a decrease in their appetite with the first pill.

image of hoodia gordonii. In fact, Hoodia has so many positive reviews that a lot of knock-off products are now sold to the uninformed, especially on the internet. Real Hoodia is very rare because it takes up to 7 years for the Hoodia Gordonii plant to mature to a point where it has appetite suppressant qualities. In addition to this, the South African government is now limiting the amount of Hoodia it exports, which means that only a few suppliers have the real thing. Given the fact that Hoodia is so rare, you can expect it to be a little more expensive than other diet pills.

Another diet pill which helps you lose pounds is Herbal Phentermine. This is a non-prescription appetite suppressant scientifically designed to produce similar effects to those of the popular Rx version of phentermine.

The good news is that the herbal version contains only natural ingredients so that you do not have to worry about side effects. Moreover, you can save the time, cost and embarrassment of a visit.

Herbal Phentermine will not only suppress your appetite, but it also improves the metabolism so you burn more calories and have more energy.

3) Carbohydrate blockers

Perhaps you’d rather not have your appetite suppressed. You may like to eat all the pasta, bread, rice and potatoes you want. If this sounds more like your style, then you may want to try a carbohydrate blocker.

Scientists have discovered that people like to process the foods they love to eat, but they hate the idea of gaining weight. Now, you can stop the normal conversion of starchy foods like sugar before they pass through your digestive system and are stored as fat on your hips, thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Derived from white beans, the resulting carbohydrate blockers (starch neutralizer) are natural products. They work by neutralizing the alpha amylase enzyme that digests the starch from food.

This digestive enzyme being neutralized, it will not be digested anymore. Instead, it remains intact and is not converted to sugar. It is simply undigested through the body and acts as a fiber - which is a very good thing. You get more fiber through your intestines while avoiding the transformation into sugar and the resulting fat storage - a definite win-win situation.

Diet products:

1) Have to contain natural ingredients
2) Should have no harmful side effects
3) You should be offered a 100% money-back guarantee

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Organic Dog Food to be Dog Flea Free

The following article deals with organic dog food, which means in particular food that is produced by biological means. We will look closely at this dog food after giving a short definition and imagine a typical product. At the end, you have to decide whether it is better to give your dog organic dog food or to resort to the normal dry food and wet food.


Image of dog flea.Similarly to human food, dog food is also increasingly exposed to chemicals and genetic manipulation that threaten the health of humans and animals alike. More and more dog owners return to chemical-free food and organic dog food to counteract this trend and focus on a healthy diet. Organic food is important fot the dog to be dog flea free. You need to do the best dog flea treatment through the food that your dog eats.

So what is organic dog food?

The real problem now is that the term organic is uniformly defined and, in consequence, dog owners give it different interpretations - mostly wrong ones. There are many dubious manufacturers who are trying to make a profit. One possible interpretation is that the food must contain ingredients tailored to the dog. Warning: This is neither a general nor a legislative directive. In contrast to the usual food, organic dog food is not contaminated, does not cause food allergies and is low in cholesterol.

In addition to this, no fillers are used, mostly because large amounts of grain are dispensed in dog food. This way, the amount of feces is reduced and the digestive system is relieved. Only the matter of preservatives is problematic in this case. Although the manufacturer advertises preservative-free dog food, these unwanted agents are included in most cases since the raw materials purchased need not be declared separately. Generally, a lot of attention is paid to the origin of the ingredients. Herbal products such as vegetables and herbs come from the impeccable production of agricultural, animal welfare-friendly food. Organic food is a vital part in the best dog flea treatment to help dogs become dog flea treatment.


Where is the danger?


Low-quality dog food can affect your dog's digestion and cause diarrhea. According to the sentence "You are what you eat," a high-quality diet based on biological-derived dog food can prevent the dog from suffering from disease and becoming a permanent guest of the vet.

Thus, organic dog food is suitable only for sensitive dogs or breeds. Organic food contains both dry and wet food and lasts for a long time. It is also often not very expensive. Let’s compare a can of Terra-Pura with a can of Pedigree. You will come to the conclusion that the prejudice that organic products are expensive is not true. Organic food is definitely worth its price because you spend a little more money for quite a considerably larger amount of high-quality meat.

My Dog Food is a good example of organic dog food. Pay attention strictly to the quality ingredients that provide the dog with all the essential nutrients. According to the slogan "Only the best for your dog", this food contains only muscle meat, organ meats, vegetables and fruit, which contain no additives or chemicals. Some manufacturers go even further and guarantee that the dog food is manufactured in the same conditions as foodstuffs and preserved only in mild conditions. All the ingredients are mentioned by name and the amount is listed on the package. It is difficult to prove that not all products lack additives as the manufacturers claim.

The offer is diverse and includes dog food from poultry, rabbit and lamb to horse and cattle. And it comes in cans of 400 g and 800 g or in a storage package.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Friday, 2 September 2011
Organic Eggs-Egg laying Hens and Regulation

As you know, an egg looks like the others as you cannot see just by inspection, whether it is an act of free-range or barn eggs, or whether it belongs to the eggs derived from battery hens. Even the packaging is rarely meaningful.

The Order of the Federal Government for the keeping of poultry is more necessary component of change in agriculture. It provides that egg production from 1.1.2012 are only for farms with soil or free-range or aviaries are permitted. For example in Germany, the re-commissioning is prohibited on conventional and enriched cages and laying batteries for transitional use. Here, Germany is the EU regulation far ahead because there remain enriched cages. It further ensures the decision that humanely hens eat, drink, rest, dust-bathe, and seek nest egg tray. In addition, the minimum and maximum sizes of the reserves numbers of animals must be respected.

Since 1 January 2004, the EU regulation for the marking of the eggs is placed. Thus, each egg, Class A for private households is marked with the producer code stamped on the packaging as well as the type of farming for these eggs. Until then, eggs were the EU-wide identification of voluntary codes and the historical producers could still be used. The imprint of the pack idyllic landscapes should not be a reason to buy. One should note phrases that promise floor or free-range production. Be sure that the hens in all respects are really well and issued currently if you buy organic eggs. It is assured if the attitude was reasonable, the animals were given organic feed and no prophylactic antibiotics were used.

The eggs themselves are marked with a code. For example, 1 DE-23457th. The first digit stands for the housing system. 0 stands for eggs from organic production, 1 is free-range eggs, 2 is for barn eggs, and 3 for eggs from caged hens. Then it is followed by the country code, which states where the egg comes from. The country code is followed by the identification number, which encodes the operation.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 5:41 AM EDT
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Tips for A More Creative Child Halloween Costumes

Image of child halloween costumes.Talking about improvising ladybug Halloween costumes, one can as well make the costume fit the age and personality of the wearer. Indeed, these ladybug Halloween costumes have managed to remain cute and adorable over the years, which is why they suit children well. However, this is not to discount the fact that adults can likewise choose to look sweet and endearing by wearing the costume. Alternatively, especially for women, they can remake the costume into something sexy that can flatter their figure. There are different styles and designs for this notable infant ladybug costume. One item that is adored by many parents is a fluffy two-piece suit with hood. The hood has antennae attached to it. Both the hood and antennae are black, which represent the ladybug's head. The suit is hot pink with black dots. It is sleeveless, but the parents have an option of whether or not to put a matching black long sleeved undershirt on their baby. The costume comes with a pair of suede pull-ups in apple green with black horizontal stripes. For kids, there are child halloween costumes tips that can be used for them to have a nice costume. A child fireman costume is one nice idea.

This serves as the ladybug's body. The pull-ups are attached to a matching black suede tights that serve as the ladybug's legs. This style, however, does not include a set of wings; but the suit is loosely parted intentionally at the back, which could make up for the wings, and at the same time, in order to give a full view of the striped pull-ups. Another popular ladybug costume idea that parents would occasionally borrow is the more common and much simpler haltered dress type. The dress is usually made of satin with a black tulle petticoat. The torso is black, while the skirt part is red with black spots. Unlike the first design, this one does not come with antennae; however, it does have matching red and black polka dots wings included. To make up for the antennae, a baby girl can just wear a matching bow, ribbon, hair clip, or headband. The baby can also wear black stockings or tights, as well as black baby doll shoes, as these are not included, to complete the outfit.

Image of child fireman costume.There is also a red and black polka dots baby bunting, which is especially made for children up to 24 months old. This is very easy to wear on your baby and to remove, owing to its Velcro fastener at the back. It comes with a matching headpiece with antennae, which is likewise fastened by Velcro. It also has a pair of detachable long sleeve-wings. Everything is made of polyester fleece, which simply means that it does not put on too much weight when worn by your child. Your child won't even notice that she is in a ladybug in the first place! Mommies and daddies can as well collect and keep several unforgettable and priceless photos of their sweet dolls wearing this red and black polka dots hooded cape costume. It comes with a set of black mittens and matching booties. The baby booties are great for indoor use as they have nonskid soles, which is safe for your darling to walk on and even run about. What's more, the cape is made of soft fleece, so that you can be certain that your baby won't itch, or even worse, have allergic reactions. It is neither heavy nor uncomfortable to wear. Choose comfortable child halloween costumes for your kids. A good child fireman costume is an excellent choice.

This style may be a better option for older infants aged up to 12 months old, who can already don a layered outfit. Instead of a cardigan or jacket over a dress, shirt, or blouse, you can just wear the cape over your baby to keep her warm during an evening Halloween party. Why, you can even choose to get a matching ladybug cape outfit with that of your darling! Truly, it would be a delight to see the look in your husband's eyes as soon as he gets a glimpse of his two endearing precious girls wearing a matching Ladybug Baby Costume. Parents actually need not be confined to some rules or guidelines when putting together a child's ladybug costume. Instead, they can be as creative as they want. They can add to or change the details of a particular ladybug costume design or even improvise using whatever materials are available, in order to come up with something fun, unique and original for their child. Hence, while some people might think otherwise, the possibilities for ladybug Halloween costumes have been proven to be endless. This is why it should not come as a surprise to anybody that, every now and then, a ladybug could repeatedly be seen fluttering around the room on Halloween time, and simply having the best time of his or her life.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Basic Information On Online Casinos

There are a number of options that people can turn to when it comes to making money. However, of all the lucrative alternatives available, none works better than one that gives one the opportunity to make money from something enjoyable. This has been made possible by the introduction of the online casinos. These are similar to the land based alternatives with the only difference being that players can play from the comfort of their homes. Nonetheless, to reap the most from online play, a number of things have to be done. The first thing that one has to do is to get a reliable computer to use. This is the secret to dependable online play. Online casinos use the computer as the platform. This means that the computer must be able to handle the casino software reliably and not result into any slow down. To achieve this goal, one has to purchase a fast computer.  

Image of online casinos.The RAM and processors have to be dependable enough to support the applications without slowing down. Additionally, it is highly recommended that one installs a reliable antivirus. This will help screen out the malwares that come through the Internet. Hacking tools are also kept out thereby avoiding account hacking. To play any game on the online casinos, one must have a dependable Internet connection.

Image of new casino games.All the transactions are made over the Internet. This means that time has to be spent in getting a dependable service provider to get Internet services from. When the Internet is fast, streaming is fast thereby enabling the player to enjoy the new casino games. On the other hand, when the Internet connection is slow or unreliable, chances are that one will end up frustrated with poor connections which can lead to losses. After the setting up the platforms, the next thing that one needs to do is to select the most reliable online casinos to play from.

Not every casino can help get the desired advantage. This is what calls for the need to conduct a comprehensive research on all the service providers in order to determine the most dependable one. Reliable casinos should be reputable, experienced, offer new casino games and with great bonuses. Customer support should be the main area of concentration. The next thing that a player has to do after choosing the right casinos is to select a game and understand it more profoundly. It takes commitment for one to achieve the desired results in a dependable way.

The number of wins that one gets is what determines the amount of money made. This means that time has to be spent understanding the target game more comprehensively. This will better the chances of winning. Lastly, it is important to understand that games on online casinos are addictive. This means that care has to be taken when placing the bets. Some people end up overspending due to the lack of a game plan. To avoid such problems, one has to take time in setting a budget based on personal financial reach. This will avoid getting into financial strains.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT

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