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Friday, 9 December 2011
Effective Po exercise


Lie on your stomach and keep your hands near your body with the palms facing upwards. Inhale and slowly lift the outstretched leg to about 10-15 cm for 3-5 seconds before you exhale slowly and lower it. You should repeat this exercise at least 5-10 times for every leg. This exercise trains the inner thigh and buttocks.

Training exercise - Pelvic lift

Lie down on your back and keep your legs at an angle one hip’s length apart. Then lift and lower your pelvis. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Fitness exercise for the legs - Forward lunges

image of exercise Stand in an upright position and keep your arms near the body. Now take a step forward until the knee of the back leg almost touches the ground. The rear leg should be almost straight. The entire front leg should be contracted for this exercise. Then take the starting position again slowly. Your buttocks should feel like burning when you do this exercise. 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions should be enough.

Exercise in lying position

You have to lie on your stomach and stretch out both legs. Slowly lift a stretched leg repeatedly while keeping the other on the ground. You should be able to see your buttocks during the entire exercise. Then switch and do the same training exercise for the other leg. Your buttocks should not leave the ground. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise is important but do not exaggerate!

You should never exaggerate and go to the gym on a daily basis. You should stick to this kind of exercises for the abdomen with an abdominal exerciser, legs and buttocks, but you can also do them at home.

Other methods to improve your performance

You should also increase your runs, speed drills and practice other endurance sports to improve your personal best time. Special strength training is also recommended for runners.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST

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