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Sunday, 11 December 2011
Movement on Holiday

Together with a balanced diet, sufficient movement is a successful method of managing stress. Physical activity not only helps with that, but the brain and heart are better supplied with blood. It can also reduce the risk of developing "lifestyle diseases" such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis and back pain.
The entrance to an active life

You do not have to practice a competitive sport to incorporate more movement into your everyday life. No matter whether you go walking or cycling, your muscles and your circuit need movement.

Even small individual activities add up and promote health. Sports medics and doctors recommend that you begin a more active life by doing a bit of exercise over the day.

The right dose

You should consume about 2,000 to 3,000 kilocalories a day. If you have the opportunity to do some exercising every day, then you can burn up to 1,200 additional calories per week. You can also increase your energy expenditure if you walk for about half an hour a day. The good news is that your health can also improve if you do moderate or mild exercise. A high intensity workout has no additional effects.

A few good examples of physical activity on vacation

Walking is the most natural way of moving. Those who walk every day do not need to do too much additional physical activity. You are doing your body a great favor if you walk a few minutes every day. Whether young or old or alone or in company, you can take a few steps at any time and in any place. You do not need expensive equipment and you do not need to pay any entrance fees. Energy is enough. The holiday season is an invitation to regenerate your body and mind and so to strengthen your health.

The mountains as a resort

Flowering alpine meadows, craggy peaks, gentle valleys with gently meandering streams - the mountain environment has always been one of the favorite recreational areas of the Americans. Hiking was and is one of the most popular pastimes. More than 1.3 million people in the United States of America belong to a hiking, mountain or alpine club. In fact, walking strengthens your health in particular. Thus, the pulse rises to more than 100 beats per minute and the organism can process up to ten times more oxygen than the rest of the time.

An extensive network of hiking trails

You do not have to wander very far if you want to move. America offers numerous hiking trails.  Anyone who is uncertain about longer day hikes being overwhelming can discover a barefoot path and the joy of walking. There are over 20 such adventure trails in the United States of America. They are usually only a few kilometers long and lead to different meadows, rocks or wood planks.

Barefoot in the soft sand beach

A soft sandy beach is the ideal place to let your feet run wild. Finally, health professionals recommend taking off your shoes and walking barefoot as much as possible. The reflex zones on the soles are also stimulated and all the muscles of the foot are exercised. Some relax by hiking in the mountains and valleys or strolling along the beach.

Others want to turn in their spare time rather than learn about foreign cities. Even walking around the city can do a great deal of good to your health. The sights of a city are often a few meters apart. A walk on foot along the streets, alleys, parks or bridges can offer you a lot of possibilities.

Breathtaking views as a reward

For example, the Spanish Steps in Rome have 138 steps. Those who climb them can marvel at the edge of a magnificent display of flowers in the spring and summer. The wonderful view of the Sacré Coeur rewards the visitors who climb the highest mountain of Paris on foot. Many picturesque streets and steps can be seen from the Acropolis in Athens.

The Güell Park in Barcelona invites you to relax and enjoy breathtaking views over the city. You can also explore London if you take a walk along the Regent's Canal. German cities are also adapting to the trend of visitors sights that can be seen if you take a walk, not just travel by bus. The Berlin Senate, for example, together with the Association of foot traffic Germany (FUSS eV) will soon be a green pedestrian area.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Friday, 9 December 2011
Effective Po exercise


Lie on your stomach and keep your hands near your body with the palms facing upwards. Inhale and slowly lift the outstretched leg to about 10-15 cm for 3-5 seconds before you exhale slowly and lower it. You should repeat this exercise at least 5-10 times for every leg. This exercise trains the inner thigh and buttocks.

Training exercise - Pelvic lift

Lie down on your back and keep your legs at an angle one hip’s length apart. Then lift and lower your pelvis. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Fitness exercise for the legs - Forward lunges

image of exercise Stand in an upright position and keep your arms near the body. Now take a step forward until the knee of the back leg almost touches the ground. The rear leg should be almost straight. The entire front leg should be contracted for this exercise. Then take the starting position again slowly. Your buttocks should feel like burning when you do this exercise. 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions should be enough.

Exercise in lying position

You have to lie on your stomach and stretch out both legs. Slowly lift a stretched leg repeatedly while keeping the other on the ground. You should be able to see your buttocks during the entire exercise. Then switch and do the same training exercise for the other leg. Your buttocks should not leave the ground. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Exercise is important but do not exaggerate!

You should never exaggerate and go to the gym on a daily basis. You should stick to this kind of exercises for the abdomen with an abdominal exerciser, legs and buttocks, but you can also do them at home.

Other methods to improve your performance

You should also increase your runs, speed drills and practice other endurance sports to improve your personal best time. Special strength training is also recommended for runners.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Sunday, 4 December 2011
What You Need to Know about a Diamond Wedding Ring


Are you looking for that one-of-a-kind beauty and perfection of a diamond engagement ring, but you are stumped and lost in the middle of the Amazon rain forest? Is it hard to decide where to start or which way to go? Do not worry because you are not alone. This is actually the usual test for the diamond engagement buyer. Here is a bit of information to help you solve this dilemma. In the end, diamonds are about commitment to love your partner.

Let's refresh your memory first. Remember the story of diamonds? If not, then know that giving diamond engagement rings is a tradition that started back in 1500 A.D. Two monarchs of Austria showed their eternal by giving each other diamond wedding rings or engagement bands. Other people use simple rings with combinations of diamonds and stones. Symbolically, it does not really what stones are used because they all symbolize a wonderful thing and that is true love.

image of ring. Different colored metals are used for the manufacture of a diamond engagement ring. Precious metals, namely yellow and white gold, platinum and even titanium, are combined with precious stones. Just remember that clarity is the key when choosing a diamond. The clearer it is, the more valuable. Sometimes diamonds have a yellow tint which decreases their value.

So why not have a unique diamond ring instead of a traditional one? Well, to begin with, unique diamond rings are more popular now than in older days. People prefer buying a ring that carries a glimpse of their own fantasy. This creates a greater personal connection to the ring. Adding a personal touch to the ring along with clear diamonds and other types of colored stones is a brilliant idea.

The right gems come in a wide range of colors. Diamonds are available in various colors like pink and green. If you prefer a colored stone, you might want to know that most people automatically think of stones like rubies and emeralds and so they choose wrong not knowing that the bright and true color of these stones is usually obtained only after processing. That is what you see in these precious stones, sometimes not as brilliant as you may think.

Searching for the perfect design for a diamond engagement ring is not the most difficult task in the world. There are a variety of styles and colors that only prove how easily you can choose a diamond mens engagement ring. Make sure that you go out looking for the perfect unique diamond engagement ring for your sweetheart and your relationship will be your reward.

Advice on the purchase of wedding or engagement rings

The perfect way to get an engagement ring is to allow the partner to choose. Let your future wife choose the ring so that you are sure that you have chosen the best engagement ring or wedding ring for her. In addition to this, try to compare the price of the ring with its characteristics.

Here is one quick tip for the ladies:

You should set a price limit and make an approximate idea of ??what your future ring should look like before you visit your jeweler. If you want to buy a diamond ring, you have to know that it is sometimes better to take several small stones instead of one big stone because the price increases exponentially. In addition to this, there are big price differences depending on the quality of the engagement ring stone, but this only goes for small stones so you can hardly notice any differences in design.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Casino Games – The Game of Roulette


Novices no longer have to be intimidated by the roulette tables in the largest casinos. Online casinos give players worldwide the opportunity to enjoy the game while sitting in front of their personal computers. So they do not have to worry about their outfits either!  This article offers all its readers the opportunity to get an insight on all the instructions related to the roulette game before they approach a virtual roulette table. You can instantly think and play like a pro with this easy-to-understand advice. You can be sitting in front of your computer dressed in pajamas and other players see a true expert in the roulette game in you.

image of roulette. First of all, let's focus on the table. Of course, the attraction point of any roulette table is the roulette wheel. Many players call it the wheel of fortune because it can change your fate and your fortune depending on where the ball lands. The wheel is like an extension of the gaming table. Most often, it is represented online the same way as in reality, with a green mat, white edges and numbers on a black and red background, although some casinos choose their own color range. Nevertheless, the structure of the game table is the same.

In the center, you will find 36 numbers in red and black squares. Each of these represents a slot on the wheel. These squares are arranged in a grid with three horizontal boxes and twelve vertical ones in ascending order, from left to right. There are one or two green boxes above the squares, 0 and 00 (depending on the table). You will find other squares to the left of these boxes that enable you to bet on even, odd, red or black numbers, numbers 1-18, 19-36 and columns 1, 2 or 3. The latter are so-called "outside bets". Simply click on your chips and move them to the box you want to place your bet. The dealer will announce the end of betting and the start of the game.

The money is placed on the gaming table and then all eyes are turned to the wheel when it starts to spin. A ball is dropped on its surface as it spins. This ball determines your fate. It bounces inside the wheel, going in and out of the slot, before stopping on one of them when the wheel stops spinning. This slot determines the winners of both the inside and outside bets. The dealer then distributes the gains and announces a new round of betting. When playing online, your total winnings are added to your account automatically, although you also have the option to repeat your bet or increase it the next round.

Use the best roulette strategies. The simplest is stick to European roulette. The European roulette wheel has 36 numbered slots and one green box, 0, while its American equivalent has an extra green box, 00. This double zero characteristic to American roulette increases the house edge by almost 2%. So you should play only European roulette because the house advantage stops at 2.7%.

The next step is to focus only on the outside bets. Of course, the inside bets are fun if you want to play the numbers that have special meaning for you, but the outside bets will most likely save you if you want to win. Even/odd, red/black, high/low bets offer almost a one in two chance of winning, while with a full bet (a bet on a single number) the chances of winning are 37 against one.

A final tip would be to avoid combinations of bets. This theory is a little more difficult to prove but it is advisable that you do not try it because you will only reduce your winnings significantly.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Monday, 14 November 2011
What Is in the Conventional Cat Food

Cat food is usually made of animal corpses which are pressed, colored and preserved with artificial flavorings. Dry food is obtained by removing all the moisture these corpses have.

Cat food may cause illness. Cheap cat food is health hazardous in the long term.

Animal by-products

Only about half of a slaughtered animal is used for consumption. The rest is used otherwise. Manufacturers try to maintain the profit margin in the killing of these creatures as high as possible. Everything from the animal corpses that is not suitable for human use could end up in the "food bowl," at least theoretically, starting at the nose, ears, sexual organs, blood, etc. Animal by-products thus also find their way into the stomachs of the pets living with us.

Animal by-products can cause a variety of diseases. They can promote cancer and many other degenerative diseases. The fish introduced in cat food often contains high amounts of mercury, bacteria and toxic chemicals.Not all cat insurance plans cover problems resulted from bad food.

Official declaration of "meat and animal by-products" under 79/373/EEC: "All flesh parts of slaughtered warm-blooded land animals, either fresh or preserved through an appropriate procedure, and all products and by-products resulting from the processing of animal carcasses or parts of carcasses of warm-blooded animals."

image of pet insurance. Endotoxins

Salmonella and other pathogens are found in about 50% of meat meals. The food of domestic animals is heated to prevent disease. This process favors the release of endotoxins. Endotoxins are suspected of causing renal diseases.


Growth hormones are used with "farm animals" so that they grow faster and are stronger. Growth hormones can cause cancer.


Many additives that are not approved for human consumption are safely used for animal food. There are so many preservatives, dyes and food supplements of questionable quality which jeopardize the long-term health of a pet.

Preservatives and antioxidants

  • BHT
  • BHA
  • Etoxyquin
  • Sodium nitrate is also used for coloring

BHA = Butylates Hydoxan

Possible diseases favored by BHA

  • Cancer
  • Liver damage
  • Brain defects (including developmental disorders)
  • Behavior disorders

These substances are often not listed on the packaging!

Inferior fats

According to Lisa Newman, fats from restaurants and chips stands which come close to the disgust factor in terms of quality and are used for animal feed are responsible for many allergies in pets. Strongly heated fat contains tons of toxic substances.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Money Saving Tips


There are many ways of saving money, insurance, finance and contracts having a great savings potential when it comes to the household budget. Mortgage payments, insurance, credit strains on the monthly expenditure can quickly stress you out and there is also the costs of living.

You can easily save a few hundred Euros a year if you compare the amount of contributions of various insurance companies and your loan offers.

Saving tips on finance, insurance and loans for moms

Insurance contracts should be completed in the shortest period of time possible. The operators offer discounts for long contract terms, but in most cases, it is better if the contract period ends sooner. Of course, the services you receive should also be of the best quality, so a good contract meets both these requirements.

image of coins. You should pay attention to your installment payments for insurance. You can save up to 5 percent if the premium is paid annually, as opposed to a cheaper monthly payment.

A loan is a very expensive service you pay for again and again. Therefore, you should be very careful. If you have a purchase planned for the next few years, then it can be very helpful to start building up some reserves. In other words, loans should be avoided. There are alternatives to loans for the financing of goods and you can skip the high interests. Of course, a deposit may be required or the duration may be limited.

If all the documents relating to your finances are well sorted too, then the chances of overlooking an invoice are very low. The costs associated with an account are usually high so you might have surprises when you withdraw money the second day. In other words, the papers say that you have more money in your account than you actually have.

The income tax is quickly returned if all the documents are in order because the sooner it is paid, the earlier you get a credit with the tax office. This money can then be used to make a profit.

You should also create balances to achieve gains. It is your mistake if you leave money in the checking account. The interest rates you can obtain are so low that they do not pay. You should resort to other alternatives. The money should be available all the time, but you should also achieve some gains like with a savings account.

It is advisable to compare offers in all areas where money is involved. This is the only way to find really inexpensive deals. Small print contracts should be read in particular for there are often some clauses which justify the big money withdrawals from your account. Compare the cheapest offers. If the services offered are the same, then you should also compare the performance of these services and then decide for the best offer.

A checking account with no fees is certainly a very good choice. But you should always make sure that there are no additional conditions which can annul this advantage. A checking account with a minimum or free entrance fee is only recommended for people with monthly revenues. It may be that the account is offered free of charge, but each transaction is then charged. You might have to pay per transaction, per direct debit and so on.

Save taxes: Married people usually have higher benefits than single people. The limits are usually doubled. Thus, the expenses deduction is retained twice for married people, but the taxation system is not linear. Thus, marriage saves costs.

Many people can receive grants, but are not aware of this. Families in particular can get bonuses in many situations, but they must apply for them. Obviously, those who do not get informed about them cannot get them. For example, children can benefit from allowance, but they must apply for it. Also, families can get housing benefits and then they do not have to pay their rent on their own if their income is low or very low.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Algae Control, Algae in the Aquarium


Algae probably belong to the list of least liked guests in Aquarium. The algae make the pool look dirty. But what are the causes of the algae?

Causes algae:
Algae are usually caused by too high of a nitrite content of the water. If there are plenty of fishes stocked in a tank, the nitrate may not be reduced quickly enough and the concentration in water increases. With the increasing concentration of nitrate, there will be an increased risk of algae. Water with high nitrate level is ideal for algae.

Light can cause the uncontrolled growth of algae too. Too old of lamps or flash of color in the light can promote algae growth media. Many components of the yellow light can prevent most algae growth.

CO2 deficiency may well contribute to the growth of algae when the pelvis is supplied with sufficient CO2.

 What algae is the aim?
Algae are a dime a dozen, but one can generalize the algae crude, the most common algae in aquariums are:

  • Beard algae (red algae)
  • Brush algae
  • Grey-brown diatoms
  • Brown diatoms
  • Blue-green algae blue
  • Black Blue Blue-green algae
  • Black spot algae
  • Green spot algae
  • Extensive green algae

What to do against algae?
There are several ways to combat algae. There are several products and chemicals that can interfere with the metabolism of algae and thus stop the growth of algae.
The best and most comfortable in the long term is to find the causes of algae growth. You may replace the aquarium water filter and lighting , with yellow light, or install a CO2 system.

Good algae eaters are:

  • Dwarf Pleco/Ancistrus
  • Siamese Algae Eater
  • Otocinclus
  • Apple/ Neritina snails
  • Shrimp
Naturally, the manual removal of algae is necessary. You may also remove aquarium plants heavily infested by algae. You may also reduce the exposure of light.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 10:35 AM EDT
Monday, 24 October 2011
The Halloween Customs


Halloween customs

The creepy and beautiful atmosphere of the Halloween has everyone to celebrate the occasion regularly. It has become a tradition and some customs for the celebration have been practiced for long.

doctor costumeIt is also a custom during the Halloween to wear nice costumes like the doctor costume.

For many centuries, the Halloween has been celebrated by a lot of people and customs and traditions are part of the celebration. These make the celebration more memorable for everyone.

One of the traditions is about  love. It has been done by a lot of people for so many times already. The freshly harvested nuts are thrown on fire. The effect on the nuts will be the main basis. For example, you can use different nuts with the names of the loved ones. Label them and throw them in fire. The nut which burns brightest is, of course, the chosen one.

If you have a partner already, you can by nuts to have an idea on what will happen in the future. If both nuts got burned, this is a good sign but if one nut jumps out of the fire, this is a sign of infidelity.

There are different customs practiced during the Halloween. One thing that you have to remember is that you need to have a nice costume like the dreamy doctor costume. You just have to discover them yourself.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 26 October 2011 10:04 AM EDT
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Learn the Rules of Omaha Hold em Poker


Generalities about the rules of Omaha Hold'em
The course of the Omaha poker game
Specificity of Omaha in terms of hand formation
The different variants of Omaha Hold'em
Hi/Lo Omaha
Hi Omaha

Omaha is one of the most popular poker variants in direct competition with Texas Hold'em. The rules of this game are simple but it has still certain characteristics as compared to other variants of poker. In general, there are two versions of Omaha poker: Hi/Lo Omaha, which is played especially in North America, and Hi Omaha, which is played especially in Europe.

picture of poker game. Generalities about the poker rules of Omaha Hold'em

Omaha Hold'em resembles another very popular poker variation when it comes to the course of the game, Texas Hold’em. However, Omaha has some specific features when it comes to the formation of hands but also the gameplay.

The course of the Omaha poker game

An Omaha Hold'em game has four stages: pre-flop, flop, turn and river. In the pre-flop, each player receives four cards face down and then they have to decide how they bet in the first round of betting. Once all bets have been made, the dealer deals the flop which consists of three community cards visible to all players. A new round of betting then starts. Then a fourth card is revealed, the turn, and then a fifth one, the river. Now all the community cards have been dealt.

Specificity of Omaha in terms of hand formation

Remember that a player must use two cards out of the 4 distributed in the pre-flop and three cards from the community cards to form his hand. Also note that the Omaha poker games are generally Limit games, that is to say the raises are limited and pre-established early in the game, and more rarely but almost never Pot Limit or No Limit games.

The different variants of Omaha Hold'em

There are two Omaha poker variants. Hi/Lo Omaha is played more in North America while Hi Omaha, on the other hand, is played more in poker rooms and casinos in Europe and at the best poker sites online. The two versions of Omaha are very interesting and totally different from a strategic point of view even if the course of the parties remains the same.

Hi/Lo Omaha

High/Low Omaha is a rather original poker variation. Each party usually has two winners who split the pot - on the one hand, there is the player who forms the strongest hand and then there is the player with the weakest hand. However, sometimes a player manages to have both the highest hand and the lowest hand, in which case he gets the whole pot. It is this rule that makes this Omaha poker variation so interesting. Therefore, you can try to form the lowest hand instead of looking only to outperform your opponents.

Hi Omaha

The Omaha Hi variant is a classic variant with only one winner, namely the player who has the strongest hand. This is usually a Pot Limit game

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 21 October 2011 8:35 AM EDT
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Laser Treatment for Superficial Blood Vessels


Superficial vessels on the face, trunk and extremities can be removed by the long-pulsed neodymium-YAG laser with a green wavelength (1064 nm). This is almost free of side effects.


The most important applications for vascular lasers are for red enlarged veins on the cheeks and nose (rosacea), spider naevi, haemangioma or ruby ??spots (Angioma), congenital blood vessel abnormalities such as port-wine stains (nevus flammeus) or blood sponges (hemangiomas). Vasodilation in the legs, called spider veins, may not be effectively treated with this laser treatment. A cosmetic laser surgery treatment of spider veins is therefore effective only in combination with sclerotherapy.

picture of laser treatment. Operation

The neodymium-YAG laser produces a so-called selective photothermolysis. The laser energy, which are very short green light pulses, is selectively absorbed by the red blood cells in the enlarged veins. The red blood cells are heated to bond the vessel walls. This can target destroyed superficial blood vessels in the skin without damaging surrounding tissue.


The treatment usually requires no special preparation of the skin. To avoid pigmentation problems, you should avoid the sun a few  weeks before the treatment. There are necessary doses of medication. You should discuss the treatment with us. For some medicines such as antibiotics or anti-malaria drug, which can make the skin light sensitive, you need to inform us about these medications.


To protect your eyes during treatment should have a special eye protection. Each pulse covers a circular area of three to seven millimeters in diameter. Through a newly developed separate cooling device, the upper skin layers are cooled continuously during laser operation. So you will feel only a slight stinging or tingling sensation during treatment. A local anesthetic is usually not necessary. Depending on the size of the treated area, the treatment may be for only five to 15 minutes.

After treatment, the fine veins on the face and the skin can be slightly reddish for several hours and possibly a little swollen. To prevent swelling, you should treat the skin area for about an hour with wet compresses or cool bags to keep it cool. Since you are allowed to put make up to the laser-treated areas immediately with a standard make-up, you can be socially presentable once again. Sports activities are also unrestricted. However, you should avoid sun exposure and tanning the skin four weeks of intensive heat treatment. The success of the treatment can be assessed after four weeks. The removal of extraneous blood vessels never succeed in a single session. To removeblotches, usually, about two to three sessions are required.

For larger vessels, such as haemangioma, blemishes, spider veins, bluish discoloration can happen after the laser treatment done by a cosmetic doctor. This could last for several days. While a single treatment for the so-called ruby spots on the upper body is usually sufficient, the treatment of major blood sponges (hemangiomas), blemishes and spider veins may be lengthy and may require at least 5-10 sessions. The treatment of spider veins should be combined with desolation.

Risks and side effects

More serious side effects such as blisters, scabs or scarring occur in contrast with older lasers or sclerotherapy but are usually not longer. At times, pigmentation problems are temporary. The permanent lightening (hypo pigmentation) or darkening (hyper pigmentation) of the treated skin areas is extremely rare when UV light is strictly avoided for at least four weeks before and after treatment

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT

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