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Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Should You Chat with Your Opponents When Playing Online


You have probably noticed that you can chat with your opponents while playing poker online. Is this recommended or not?

The chat - a world apart...

The chat is available in a small window in the lower left corner like in the PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker rooms, but can take much more space like it does in Winamax (a retractable window). Online casinos are very popular these days.

Talking about a chat over a game of poker is sometimes the most hilarious comedy or the most dreadful tragedy. Whether it is at a bad beat or the player hits the keyboard too hard or the two players are discussing about "Celebrity Farm", one can read everything during a poker chat.

It is strongly advised not to talk too much during a game. Many players use the chat to destabilize the players and announce "a hand" by writing for example, "A8" (which stands for Ace-8). By no means should you believe what these players write. The chances that a player actually has what they write they have are very low, so consider they had never spoken and play your shot as you would normally. This is a way of bluffing players seem to be more and more interested in.  

A good player can chat with their opponents if they are sure of their game. Daniel Negreanu, for instance, speaks at a poker table in order to read his opponents. Why should it be different online? First of all, the chat is a totally different world from the real one, a world where players express their resentment and no one can see their reactions. Of course, you can read an opponent by their way of writing: these are called tells in online poker!

But the comments posted in the windows are often meant to cover tracks during a game. The chat is becoming rarer and rarer and more serious while it generally depends on the limit and the type of game you are playing. The conversations are much more random if the limits are lower. Do not overdo it because you will provide guidance to your opponents, especially during intense parties where important bets are made. Stay focused at all times.

Shut up and play!

Feel free to delete a conversation if you feel oppressed by it and accept only the important messages. This option is available in the largest poker rooms. However, note that some rooms do not allow you to hide the discussions at the table. For instance, this holds true on Winamax. However, you can retract the window to the right. Well, this is a big flaw poker rooms should remedy and fast.

Whether the limits are low or average, the information provided is often banned because it is either the result of a player’s frustration or an attempt to "mislead" the players (induction in error).

In conclusion

It is much safer to play against an opponent that expresses themselves live at a table rather than against one that expresses themselves online.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 8:02 AM EDT
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
The Notion of Dominance

The history of dog training, hierarchy and dominance

Studies were performed on packs of wolves in captivity around 1940. The usual and traditional educational model of the dog is based on these erroneous observations. We now know that these initial observations led to misinterpretations and unfounded statements based on conclusions on the functioning of the human family (families in refugee camps were studied - David Mech, University of Minnesota/United States of America). Coppinger and Mech studied wolves and groups of wild canids for years (more than 35 years). Today, you should change your view of the dog and the relationship you should have with it. You need to forget the dominant/dominated model. That notion is outdated, incorrect and inappropriate. You must stop taking wolves as an educational model for the education of your dogs.

For example, there is no Alpha male that must eat first. Therefore, there is no requirement on who should eat first. The dominant eats first: false observation. Wolves eat the prey, such as lions and lionesses the same way wild dogs or coyotes do. Following the model of wolf breeding in the education of dogs is like following the model of monkeys in the education of children.

If you have dogs, you alos need to be aware of the ticks on dogs which can easily affect them.

The "dominant": the dominance hierarchy in dogs

The dominant is not a fighter but a calm and collected individual. The dominant is not an authoritative figure. The dominant is a dog capable of... Its qualities are ... The dominant status is flexible as dominance is contextual and situational.

Example: Dog A in a group has a better smell while dog B has a greater flexibility/speed. Dog A lead the hunt due to its smell while dog B leads the attack due to its speed.

This also works in humans. Madame runs the kitchen and home (she dominates when it comes to household chores), Mister reads maps (he dominates the travelling area) and the son manages the computer part (he dominates the logistics)...

The comments of David Mech (1999, 2001) conclude that a pack is "a family" with adult parental figures that serve as guides. These "parents" do not use physical violence. (They only fight during the breeding season).

The learning methods should be positive and friendly so non-associative and positive reinforcement methods are not requires. Removing ticks from dogs must be done well too to keep the ticks away from dogs.

You cannot demand anything your dog has not been taught. Teach your dogs to respect your rules of life (not the user manual with a legend or a list of prohibitions: the dog should not... the dog should not...) No! You should have your own rules of life for you and your 4-legged companion.
There are also professional dog trainers that can help you set up your rules and not impose a list of rules your dog should or should not comply with. Nobody gives you a list of rules on how to raise your child.

The rules of life are not the same for everyone. Some dog owners allow their dog on the couch, for instance. You need to select your rules of life with your canine companion.

Are you a guide/leader or dominant? What would you be? What relationship do you want to have with your dog?

There is a big difference between asking the dog to "sit" if it has not been taught and saying "My dog ​​does not obey me" or "My dog ​​is stubborn".

And there is also another difference in the way you teach your dog to sit:
- Either by punishing it (P+) and pressing its back until it sits down, in which case the dog sits down to avoid the punishment, or in an actual constructive way. It is already stressed enough by the fact that it has to concentrate on learning these things, so it does not need an additional punishment (P+).
- Either you learn to sit on the non-associative learning and help, guide and reward your dog when it does something good.

Are you a dominant or a leader?

Author: Lisa Leicht, “Animals and More”. The difference between a dominant and a leader is that the leader never uses provoking or dominance. You should not be a dominant. Dominants use “I”. The leader uses “we”. The dominant inspires fear. The leader inspires trust. The dominant knows how. The leader watches how. The dominant gives orders. The leader watches how they are obeyed. The dominant recurs to authority to get things done. The leader relies on collaboration to get things done. The dominant promotes resentment. The leader promotes enthusiasm and motivation.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 April 2012 7:44 AM EDT
Friday, 30 March 2012
Baby Room Wall Stickers for a Baby Gift Ideas

The birth of a child is always a small miracle for young parents, it is  the best experience you can imagine. During pregnancy preparations are made, and baby room furniture selected lovingly furnished to the arrival of the new family member to make things as smooth as possible.

Special care center for most parents, of course, is a completely harmonious decoration in the baby room. Bright colors and fun, child-oriented model in combination with sweet baby furniture create a pleasant atmosphere. Because it makes sense to contribute with a gift for the baby to this feel-good atmosphere. A great idea for this are wall tattoos in the baby's room. Even for the little ones there is a large selection of cute wall tattoos, which are wonderful gift ideas for babies and ensure lasting joy.

Here we present some of the best:

Baby Room Wall Decals gift idea "Some things start small ..." "Some things start small, some large, but sometimes the smallest is the greatest ..." This beautiful baby wall sticker slogan makes sure exactly what parents feel after the birth of her baby and is a great gift for the baby room.

Funny Baby room wall tattoo "Keksfresser" as an original gift idea

For young parents with humor, these wall stickers a funny gift idea. It does particularly well at the door of a little cookie monster and makes even sleepless nights pleasant.    
Wall Decals underwater world with turtles

Even babies are looking forward to know when they can explore an interesting designed environment. Baby room wall tattoo make great decoration over the changing table or cot, for example. The color of the respective wall tattoos of course, is shown in all subjects freely selected. In addition, all are available in three different sizes.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 9:30 AM EDT
Friday, 23 March 2012
The Best Roulette Systems


There are different strategies that can be used to improve the chances of winning in many card games. When sitting at a roulette table, these strategies are called roulette systems. A roulette system can get a player to feel more confident in the quest to increase the chances of winning, which is recommended when the stakes are high! A roulette system teaches you to manage your money properly and recover your losses in the next game. These systems do not always work but the theory behind them is good. Many experts have invented their own roulette systems for different purposes. For example, there are roulette systems that help to extend your range of gains and then there are roulette systems that are designed to help you recover the money you have lost. All roulette systems pose a risk. Some pose higher risks than others. There is no such thing as "playing safe" when it comes to roulette. There is no method of winning every time no matter what roulette system you choose. In fact, some of the best roulette systems may increase your chances of winning, but can cause you big losses.

The Martingale system

Roulette Systems A good example of a roulette system is the Martingale system. The idea of this system is to double the bet when you lose. You bet twice as much as you did before you lost. This roulette system that can be used at the best roulette casinos is about recovering your money plus your original bet but there are high chances that you lose large sums of money. You need to have a high budget and be prepared for bad luck in case the ball lands on black 20 times in a row while you bet on red.

The D'Alembert pyramid

Another roulette system based on the idea of money recovery is the D'Alembert pyramid. The principle behind this system is very simple. If you bet 10 USD and lose, you increase your stake the next round. However, you can reduce your bet if you win after you have lost. In short, you increase your stake if you lose and decrease it if you win. You repeat this drill until you win back the money you have lost and then you can go back to your regular contribution limits.

The five-number system

The five-number system is not recommended for those who want to attract the odds on their side because the odds of success are around 12%. You choose five numbers and bet on them. You can choose to share the profit between the original numbers if the ball lands on one of them. This drill can be repeated as many times as you want but it rarely works. This roulette system can cause you to lose big so be careful!

No matter what roulette system you choose, you should analyze the odds in advance. You can lose a lot of money in gambling as you tend to increase your bets. However, these roulette systems are meant to bring you benefit in the long term!

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 10:13 AM EDT
Friday, 16 March 2012
Benefits of Vitamins for Babies and Adults

There are numerous treatments available for acne and you can either choose natural vitamins for acne treatment or consult your dermatologist for a medical product. People get tired of searching for a chemical product that treats the condition permanently. But unfortunately, most products offered on the market only show a temporary effect that seldom lasts very long.

Image of vitamin D.The best treatment for acne comes from the inside of your body. When your body is healthy and contains the nutrients required to treat the acne, you get a clean, flawless skin.Research reveals that diet plays an important role in improving or deteriorating your skin quality and we all know how essential vitamins are for our skin. As long as we provide the necessary nutrients for the skin, no skin abnormality is likely to occur. These vitamins for babies and adults are essential to attain optimum health and one of the most important vitamins is Vitamin D.

A course of multivitamins is essential if you are suffering from acne. There are several programs of vitamins for acne which you can start following with the consent of your dermatologist. Vitamin A is a natural treatment for helping you get rid of body toxins. You can get vitamin A from green vegetables, bananas, carrots and oranges. Vitamin E is another leading ingredient of most of the skin products on the market. It helps the skin fight acne.

Image of vitamins for babies.Vitamin C, which is known for combating colds, increases your resistance against disease and skin problems. It is a chief vitamin which is used in some chemical products as well. Vitamin B is also an antioxidant and helps you win the battle against this condition. You can get vitamin B from green peppers, chickpeas and sweet potatoes. Vitamin D, on the other hand, is very essential for the bones and teeth. A lof of vitamins for babies and adult must be taken regularly to keep health at its best state.

Your body desperately needs a continuous supply of vitamins for acne and you should start a program after consulting your doctors. Vitamins for acne are very helpful and you will not have to look for chemical products anymore. Once you start taking vitamins, their different functions will allow the body to become strong against such skin problems and consequently, you will have a clean and flawless skin.

Diet does play a key role in protecting the body against complications such as acne. However, if the condition has become severe, you should make use of this known acne skin care treatment. Get the best acne product, and end your blemishes for good. Getting rid of acne is one of the most difficult tasks, because it can appear out of nowhere. Luckily there are special methods that will help you to get rid of acne. It is a method that will bring your life around.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 10:18 AM EDT
Monday, 12 March 2012
Aikido Etiquette


It appears well before the start of training, so one can move to rest and have some time to leave their everyday life behind.

Only appropriate shoes can be worn outside the mat area. Heel pads are not allowed in the mat area.

One’s clothes should be clean when they enter the mat so that body odors are avoided.

No watches and no jewelry should be worn during training (they can cause injuries). The toenails and fingernails must be short and clean.

The aikidoka bows in the direction of the shomen upon entering the dojo. The shomen is opposite to the entrance in the sports hall. An image of the aikido founder hangs or stands opposite to the entrance.

Then, the aikidoka bows in the direction of the shomen upon entering the mat.

The two partners sit down for about 1 minute before the start of the training and focus on the upcoming aikido lessons and training.

They bow before the image of the aikido founder at the beginning and end of the training session. This is a typical Japanese tradition. The bow is taken in the memory of Ueshiba O-Sensei’s work of a lifetime and to remind the ones in the hall that they should practice. It also has a religious interpretation. The bow is in Japan what shaking hands is in the United States of America and not only.

image of aikido. Subsequently, all bow to the coach or trainer (or sensei).

In tribute to the teachers, the practitioners say:

At the beginning of the training session: Onegaishimasu (which means “I ask for instruction”)
At the end of the training session: Arigato gozaimashita (which means "Thank you. It was my pleasure")

It is enough to bow and say Onegaishimasu to a different aikidoka if you want to practice with them.

Once the practice has come to an end, the two partners bow to each other in mutual respect.

Experienced aikidokas begins as Nage and the others as Uke.

The timing changes when practicing Nage and Uke moves. The switch from Nage to Uke is marked by a mutual bow.

If an aikidoka is late, they bow when entering the mat, retreat to the edge and greet in the direction of the shomen. When they finish, they wait until they complete the exercise cycle and stay longer in the training hall. All this ritual is skipped if the teacher asks them to join the group.

There should be as little speaking as possible on the mat. Aikido is primarily perceived and embodied as a spiritual experience.

The teacher must be informed if one leaves the mat for any reason.

The aikidoka has to accept the teacher’s comments and if they are corrected, even if the teacher’s arguments seem illogical. Thus, one is forced to understand the meaning behind these comments.

One should remain in seiza when a technique is explained and concentrate on the elements described by the teacher.

One should never back the shomen (this also applies when folding the hakama, for example).

The shomen enjoys teaching students who practice regularly and even during the holidays for a shorter or longer time. They are also usually prevented from illness. This is a way of showing how sincere one is and how much they value their relationship with the shomen and the martial art, ultimately.


Posted by carlo133hoffman at 11:56 AM EDT
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Warnings and Installation Steps of Pools



This article is a summary of the process of installation of a pool in a conventional polyester shell. A polyester shell should always be filled with water (at ¾ of the skimmer). Consult your installer and apply the usual precautions for any discharge, may it be partial or full. It is imperative to check whether there is any water in the basin, especially in the winter, in heavy rain conditions or in the presence of a high water table in the basement.

No chemicals should be poured directly into the basin as skimmer baskets and disinfectants are provided for the same purpose. Do not use products that are not specifically recommended by your installer, including copper sulphate or other products loaded with metal ions. They may cause incompatibilities with the coating of the polyester shell. Use only plumbing supplies like Pex or Ferguson.

Never use a grinder or projection equipment for metal parts near the pool.

The steps of installing a PVC pool

The installation of a pool
Tracing and defining the zero point

The installation of a pool

Even before the opening of the site, t is essential to define the boundaries of the site of and ensure that no underground water or electricity passes through that location.

Implantation in natural sloping terrain

A lot of conditions need to be taken into consideration when it comes to ensuring the stability of the pool when the ground surface is not horizontal.

There are two possibilities:

Case 1: Creating a platform for the disbursement of land

The upper slope stability must be such that the wall undergoes no thrust. The lower slope must be strong enough to ensure the stability of the hull.

Case 2: Creating a retaining wall

The characteristics of the wall are determined by the slope and the size of the pool. In any event, it is advisable to bring a skilled artisan to design this type of work and to manufacture it.

The quality of the soil

After determining the location of the pool, you have to learn about the soil and its stability. The polyester shell must be installed on stable, coherent, homogeneous and water-free ground. It is strongly advised to conduct a survey (trench, auger, drill...) at the site in case of uncertainty regarding the nature or the homogeneity of the soil. The stability and consistency of the soil determine the filling. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the subsoil and the water drainage on and around the pool, beaches and stairs.

The definition of the zero point

picture of pool supplies. A tracking sheet facilitates the tracking down process significantly, but you have to draw the pool in the absence of a cover, making sure it is square to the ground.

Tools: stakes, cords, tracers and decameters

Measure four meters along the AD line starting from corner A. Point X is thus obtained. Take corner A and measure three meters in width. Point Y is thus obtained. The distance between points X and Y (hypotenuse of the triangle) must be equal to 5 meters and if there are more than 5 meters, the opposite angle is greater than 90 degrees (open), while if there are less than 5 meters, the opposite angle is below 90 degrees (close), so you must adjust the angle to get a perfect squaring.

Check the ratings for your pool excavation after getting the correct 90 angle. Measure the two diagonals AC and BD to check if the distance is correct. You must obtain the same length between AC and BD. Check your blind if you don’t. Make sure the path corresponds to the chosen location.

The zero point

The level point called 0 (zero) point serves as a reference point for the finished work. It defines the level of your pool in relation to the arrangements or the slope of your land. It can be determined using a telescopic surveyor or water level. The 0 point is referential throughout the site. Mark the 0 point out of the access and traffic areas.


The aim of earthwork is to achieve an excavation to receive the hull. Particular care must be taken in this operation. The search must be clean and purged of any element of resistance or sag. Observe the Coast moving data (between 20 cm and 30 cm from the inner side of the pool).

Do not compensate with loose soil if the excavation is oversized (too deep), but use reconstituted stabilized soil. Add a geotextile on the bottom. People usually resume the desired level with ballast (80 mm).

Major excavation is required to perform the work if the ground is not stable. Therefore, the implementation of the embankment becomes essential. Thus, it is necessary to create a reconstituted soil stabilized with riprap, which reduces the width of the excavation.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Hoodia Gordonii – The Ideal Plant for Weight Loss

Nature has to offer quite a lot and it also offers this plant which is so similar to a cactus. This plant the present article refers to helps combat obesity. Hoodia Gordonii originates from southern Africa, more precisely from the Kalahari Desert. Similarly to Aloe Vera, it contains a considerable amount of fluid in its storage tissue.

But how does this plant work?

This plant is tightly connected to the South African soldiers, who could resist without eating too much food and drinking too many fluids for a very long period of time. They could complete their long hunting trips without too many resources effortlessly. A closer examination of the plant led to the conclusion that it contains the so-called P57 molecule, which reduces the appetite significantly.

Hoodia is best if provided as capsules, so you should pay attention to the quality of the products you buy.Some drink hoodia tea,and there are also hoodia patches available. The demand has increased tremendously, but very few things are still known about this plant and the products which contain it. This plant is also very rare, but more and more people are trying to grow Hoodia Gordonii. This cultivar grows faster than the wild plant, but it is yet debatable whether it actually has the same effect as the original plant.

Does Hoodia act reliably against obesity?

image of diet hoodia.Since obesity is above all a psychological problem, the long-term success cannot be guaranteed, since many people eat more when they are faced with stressful situations. They are often not hungry, but still eat a lot because of the difficulties they are faced with. The success of any appetite suppressant also depends on a healthy diet. If you stuff yourself with too much chocolate and cake, you just take in a lot of calories and this cannot lead you towards the weight loss you are looking for.

Everyone knows the secret of a good life: a balanced diet and regular exercise. An appetite suppressant can certainly help, no matter whether you drink mate tea or you take Hoodia Gordonii. You can also obtain the results you want without appetite suppressants, but with a little discipline and motivation. However, good Hoodia products are not always very cheap.

Beware of Hoodia orders via Internet

Hoodia Gordonii (and other plants of the Hoodia genus) are being characterized by their action as appetite suppressants, and many pharmaceutical companies have exploited this plant and so now its existence is threatened, but there are legal measures against this.No major or general hoodia side effects have been reported yet,and thousands of people allready used it.The plants of the Hoodia genus have been under protection since the 13th Conference of the Parties of the CITES Convention in 2004, Hoodia Gordonii  is also being protected by law in South Africa.

Therefore, in your own interest, it is better to make sure that the dealer confirms the origin of the Hoodia plant used in writing. The dealer should also have an EU import permit for the Hoodia plants and products distributed (this also applies when the plant is purchased in Europe). Otherwise, both the dealer and the buyer can support fines, but even criminal proceedings can be initiated.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 9:45 AM EST
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Blackjack Card Counting Strategy


The blackjack basic strategy and the strategy table are the starting points of all advanced blackjack strategies like card counting. Forget about card counting if you do not memorize the basic strategy perfectly.

You can only advance to the next level once you know the basic strategy perfectly. You can win at blackjack with card counting. Dominate the count well enough and you will have better odds.

The principle of card countingimage of blackjack card counting.

The idea that stands behind card counting is that a deck full of 10s and aces is in favour of the shooter, while a deck with relatively many small cards is favourable to the dealer. So you should increase your bet when the deck is favourable to you and, correspondingly, reduce it if it is in favour of the casino.

Why this is so?

A deck which is rich in tens increases the likelihood that the dealer covers his hand, while the player can stop in time. On the other hand, the donor will gain quite rarely when the deck contains many small cards. You can count the cards and find out if the cover shows a preponderance of either 10s or small cards. In other words, you can adapt your strategy to the situation.

On the other hand, the donors are to pull a soft 17. It is often a bad idea to go for a stiff hand at 10.6 if the tens dominate. This gives the card counter an advantage over the casino.

On the other hand, a deck which contains many aces increases the opportunities for blackjack - a player who has a blackjack pays 3:2, while the donor with a blackjack collects more than his bet. Therefore, a deck full of aces is more favourable for the player rather than for the dealer.

How to count the cards

Fortunately, you do not have to keep every single card that has been played in a 6-deck game in your mind. It would be sensational if you could do that. You would be a genius or perhaps a madman, which is more likely.

Various strategies are issued, according to different point values of the cards. Each system has its pros and cons. Generally, a simple system is recommended. This results in fewer mistakes in the end and mistakes are expensive if you count cards.

The running counts

Each card is assigned a specific value and the card counter must simply add the values of the given cards. This is known as the running count. This plus / minus strategy – also known as high / low strategy – has been issued based on the following values of the cards:

2, 3, 4, 5, 6 = 1

7, 8, 9 = 0

10, B, D, K, Ace = -1

Here is an example to explain the principle of the running counts:

Only an ace is given. Thus, the counting starts at -1. This is followed by a 6 and we add 1 so that we come back to zero. Then a 3 and we add another point. The running count is now +1. Then a 4 and the running count is +2 ... and so on.

If the count is in the plus, it means that many small cards have been dropped, which is in the player’s benefit. According to the rules of probability, a player should increase the bet if the number increases towards the end of a deck.

If he doesn’t, he has a so-called "unbalanced counting blackjack strategy.' It is advisable to go one step further and get to a balanced card counting system.

Balanced vs. unbalanced card counting strategies

Sticking to the example in Part 1, let us imagine that the first card dealt is a 6-deck carriage. Such a count would be less accurate than a census, considering the high number of remaining cards in the stack. Some would call this “a variance factor,” while some would call it good or bad luck.

Another example: Let us say that your running count is 5 on the first hand after the mixing of a single deck. It makes more sense than if you added the same value at the first hand in a 6-deck game.

The uncertainty factor is more important when the deck is reduced. Card counters often want to rely on luck. Therefore, you have to adjust the strategy, so that you take this factor into account, too. You should use a method that takes the number of remaining decks into consideration. A count for each remaining deck is also called the “True Count.”

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 10:27 AM EST
Monday, 20 February 2012
Advice for Your Wedding and Engagement Rings


Getting engaged is not a legal requirement. It is more like a tradition. Should you organize a special reception? When do you give her the ring and what type of should you give her? What requirements do you have to meet? Can you break the commitment?

A "yes" to the fateful question: "Will you marry me?" announces an infinite love and a lot of plans for the future. A "no" does not necessarily mean the death of love, but maybe a postponement if the partner is too busy. She may suggest another form of union (cohabitation, etc...) for now.


In the past, the man used to go to his partner’s father to ask for her hand in marriage. According to the tradition, the engagement announces a forthcoming marriage. But it is mainly a time of reflection for the bride and groom, during which they learn about themselves. This initial commitment teaches them about the real commitment of marriage. It is also an opportunity for them to present their families and friends, a step that prepares them to change their status from single to married.

Today, engagements are less ceremonial. Far from sealing the alliance between two families, they represent more of a sign of love between two people and are celebrated through an intimate party.

Why would you get engaged?

The engagement is a mutual commitment period before marriage, a "test" of your future relationship. The mens engagement ring represents a promise that you will unite forever. And it is usually an opportunity to set the wedding date.

One must answer several questions before such a commitment, even if it is not official:

Do I really want to spend the rest of my life with him or her?
Is it a whim, a passing thing?
Does this engagement involve pressure of the family and the couple's entourage?
Are we honest with each other? What are my feelings?
Will I be able to support her, etc.?

How should you say it?

Each country has its own customs. Fortunately, in the United States, there is no requirement to be met when it comes to proposing. Usually, the man proposes, but recent evidence shows that women also dare to take the bull by the horns and move forward in their relationship nowadays.

Organize something special, romantic, in a specific location... Some prefer intimate places, while others propose in public. You no longer see little princes kneeling in front of any audience to ask the hand of the one they love, but you sometimes hear proposals on the radio...

According to the tradition, the man has to go to his partner’s father and ask "his daughter’s hand in marriage", but many do not respect this tradition anymore. This announcement is now made after the informal proposal to the valentine.

image of engagement bands. Another tradition is that the gold engagement ring is ready on that day, but this is not always the case! You should find out what stones your partner wants first in order to avoid surprises and disappointments.

Once you have selected the date of your engagement, the invitation can be launched either in writing or by telephone at least a month or two months before the event. Announcements and invitations are increasingly used on this occasion, especially if there are a lot of people invited.

What ring should you choose?

You should go to a jeweler to help you with the choice just to be sure. If you plan your engagement in advance, make sure you know what you are looking for.

Choose a type of mount, a color, a material and a type of ring that will please your future wife. If you are inclined toward family jewels, make sure they are adjusted.

The engagement ring and the wedding ring are traditionally worn on the ring finger of the left hand. Although there is no specific evidence on the origin of this tradition, there are two well-established beliefs. The first one, which dates back to the 17th century, is that a priest reached the fourth finger after touching the first three fingers of his left hand during a Christian wedding in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The second is an Egyptian belief that says that the alliance finger follows the vena amoris, that is to say the vein of love, which leads directly to the heart.

Month                         Stone                           Meaning

January                        Garnet                         Consistency
February                      Amethyst                    Sincerity
March                          Aquamarine,                Courage
April                            Diamond                     Sustainability
May                             Emerald                       Success
June                             Pearl                            Health
July                              Ruby                           Satisfaction
August                                    Onyx                           Marital happiness
September                   Sapphire                      Wisdom
October                       Opaline                        Hope
November                   Topaz                          Fidelity
December                    Turquoise                   Harmony, prosperity

When should you get engaged?

Traditionally, the engagement is announced 6 months to 1 year before the wedding!

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 9:33 AM EST

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