The Vitamins of the B Group
Vitamin B1 or thiamine
This vitamin is found in seeds or whole grains (wheat, rice, etc...), sprouted grains, legumes, brewer's yeast, calf liver, nuts and peanuts.
Thiamine maintains the nervous tone and helps to assimilate carbohydrates. Alcohol mobilizes the vitamin B1 you ingest and also prevents your body from absorbing it. Alcoholics often have thiamine deficiency. Vitamin B1 excess is known to cause beriberi (nervous paralysis) as well as digestive problems.
Vitamin B2 or riboflavin
This vitamin is found in the same products as vitamin B1. It is involved in the cell oxidation process (respiration). It is also essential to the proper digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The body needs this vitamin to produce and repair the tissue and membranes of the body. It also helps to better withstand stress. Its deficiency causes stunting and disorders of the skin and mucous membranes.
Vitamin B3 or niacin
This vitamin is mainly found in brewer's yeast, mushrooms, whole grains and legumes. It helps the body to better withstand the physiological stress caused by surgery or accidents. Niacin dilates the blood vessels and lowers the triglycerides and cholesterol levels.
Overconsumption of baby vitamin B3 or PP causes vessel dilation, itching, tachycardia, hypotension, syncope and liver problems.
Vitamin B4 or adenine
This vitamin is found in all foods rich in protein, like yeast and tea. Vitamin B4 is rare.
Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid
This vitamin is found in liver, mushrooms, fish, royal jelly, egg yolk, whole grains, brewer's yeast.
It helps the body assimilate carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Also, it plays a role in the production of certain hormones and substances that regulate the activity of the nerves. It acts as an antioxidant and helps in the fight against aging, as well as neutralizes many pollutants and toxins in the tissues. Aspirin, birth control pills, antibiotics, coffee and alcohol may impede the proper assimilation of vitamin B5.
Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine
This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, corn, whole grains, soybeans, potatoes, nuts, cabbage, wheat germ, cane juice, milk and egg yolk.
It is essential to the functioning of the nervous system as it allows nerves to transmit their impulses properly. It is a diuretic that removes water and water soluble toxins. It participates in the production of antibodies and red blood cells. The spleen and thymus need vitamin B6. Its deficiency leads to disorders of the skin.
Vitamin B7
This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, sprouts and wheat germ. Vitamin B7 is involved in fat metabolism and the synthesis of lecithin, which lowers the cholesterol levels.
Vitamin B8 or biotin
This vitamin is found in brewer's yeast, cauliflower, peanuts, peas and mushrooms. Vitamin B8 is recommended for skin problems (dry and dull skin, acne, some forms of eczema and hair loss). Watch your intake of antibiotics, birth control pills and alcohol.
Its deficiency causes an alteration of the skin (dermatitis with seborrhea), atrophy of the papillae of the tongue and psychic asthenia.
Vitamin B9 or folic acid
It is found in brewer's yeast, spinach, almonds, strawberries, raspberries and currants. This vitamin has poor resistance to heat, light and oxygen.
Vitamin B9 is involved in protein synthesis. Many factors can reduce the synthesis of vitamin B9 in the intestines or its assimilation (including barbiturates, certain hormones, antibiotics, aspirin, alcohol...). An excessive consumption of vitamin B9 causes irritability, insomnia and seizures.
Vitamin B10
This vitamin is found in wheat germ, brewer's yeast, cabbage, bananas, tomatoes and beans. Vitamin B10 combats the appearance of gray hair. It is mainly used in dermatology against psoriasis and to protect sensitive skin against sunburn.
Vitamin B11
This vitamin is widely present in foods of animal origin.
The body synthesizes an important amount of vitamin B11 provided that it has enough baby vitamin C, B3 and B6 and iron. It is necessary in case of excessive thinness, muscle atrophy, impaired secretion of gastric and pancreatic juices, obesity and heart disease.
Vitamin B12 or cobalamin
This vitamin is found in animal liver, fish, eggs and milk, but virtually absent in plants except algae, shoots and germinated seeds.
Vitamin B12 is involved in the development of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to severe anemia. Although it is generally tolerated well, its consumption stimulates cell proliferation (accelerates the progression of an existing cancer).
Vitamin B13, B14, B15
Vitamin B13 is found in milk, yoghurt and plant roots and protects the liver cells, facilitates the elimination of uric acid and allows the intestinal flora to thrive.
Vitamin B14 is studied very little. It is mainly present in insect wings and crab meat.
Vitamin B15 is found in brown rice, sesame seeds, pumpkin and yeast and promotes oxygenation and cellular respiration and prevents fat from accumulating in the liver.
Posted by carlo133hoffman
at 9:57 AM EDT