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Friday, 2 September 2011
Organic Eggs-Egg laying Hens and Regulation

As you know, an egg looks like the others as you cannot see just by inspection, whether it is an act of free-range or barn eggs, or whether it belongs to the eggs derived from battery hens. Even the packaging is rarely meaningful.

The Order of the Federal Government for the keeping of poultry is more necessary component of change in agriculture. It provides that egg production from 1.1.2012 are only for farms with soil or free-range or aviaries are permitted. For example in Germany, the re-commissioning is prohibited on conventional and enriched cages and laying batteries for transitional use. Here, Germany is the EU regulation far ahead because there remain enriched cages. It further ensures the decision that humanely hens eat, drink, rest, dust-bathe, and seek nest egg tray. In addition, the minimum and maximum sizes of the reserves numbers of animals must be respected.

Since 1 January 2004, the EU regulation for the marking of the eggs is placed. Thus, each egg, Class A for private households is marked with the producer code stamped on the packaging as well as the type of farming for these eggs. Until then, eggs were the EU-wide identification of voluntary codes and the historical producers could still be used. The imprint of the pack idyllic landscapes should not be a reason to buy. One should note phrases that promise floor or free-range production. Be sure that the hens in all respects are really well and issued currently if you buy organic eggs. It is assured if the attitude was reasonable, the animals were given organic feed and no prophylactic antibiotics were used.

The eggs themselves are marked with a code. For example, 1 DE-23457th. The first digit stands for the housing system. 0 stands for eggs from organic production, 1 is free-range eggs, 2 is for barn eggs, and 3 for eggs from caged hens. Then it is followed by the country code, which states where the egg comes from. The country code is followed by the identification number, which encodes the operation.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 5:41 AM EDT
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Tips for A More Creative Child Halloween Costumes

Image of child halloween costumes.Talking about improvising ladybug Halloween costumes, one can as well make the costume fit the age and personality of the wearer. Indeed, these ladybug Halloween costumes have managed to remain cute and adorable over the years, which is why they suit children well. However, this is not to discount the fact that adults can likewise choose to look sweet and endearing by wearing the costume. Alternatively, especially for women, they can remake the costume into something sexy that can flatter their figure. There are different styles and designs for this notable infant ladybug costume. One item that is adored by many parents is a fluffy two-piece suit with hood. The hood has antennae attached to it. Both the hood and antennae are black, which represent the ladybug's head. The suit is hot pink with black dots. It is sleeveless, but the parents have an option of whether or not to put a matching black long sleeved undershirt on their baby. The costume comes with a pair of suede pull-ups in apple green with black horizontal stripes. For kids, there are child halloween costumes tips that can be used for them to have a nice costume. A child fireman costume is one nice idea.

This serves as the ladybug's body. The pull-ups are attached to a matching black suede tights that serve as the ladybug's legs. This style, however, does not include a set of wings; but the suit is loosely parted intentionally at the back, which could make up for the wings, and at the same time, in order to give a full view of the striped pull-ups. Another popular ladybug costume idea that parents would occasionally borrow is the more common and much simpler haltered dress type. The dress is usually made of satin with a black tulle petticoat. The torso is black, while the skirt part is red with black spots. Unlike the first design, this one does not come with antennae; however, it does have matching red and black polka dots wings included. To make up for the antennae, a baby girl can just wear a matching bow, ribbon, hair clip, or headband. The baby can also wear black stockings or tights, as well as black baby doll shoes, as these are not included, to complete the outfit.

Image of child fireman costume.There is also a red and black polka dots baby bunting, which is especially made for children up to 24 months old. This is very easy to wear on your baby and to remove, owing to its Velcro fastener at the back. It comes with a matching headpiece with antennae, which is likewise fastened by Velcro. It also has a pair of detachable long sleeve-wings. Everything is made of polyester fleece, which simply means that it does not put on too much weight when worn by your child. Your child won't even notice that she is in a ladybug in the first place! Mommies and daddies can as well collect and keep several unforgettable and priceless photos of their sweet dolls wearing this red and black polka dots hooded cape costume. It comes with a set of black mittens and matching booties. The baby booties are great for indoor use as they have nonskid soles, which is safe for your darling to walk on and even run about. What's more, the cape is made of soft fleece, so that you can be certain that your baby won't itch, or even worse, have allergic reactions. It is neither heavy nor uncomfortable to wear. Choose comfortable child halloween costumes for your kids. A good child fireman costume is an excellent choice.

This style may be a better option for older infants aged up to 12 months old, who can already don a layered outfit. Instead of a cardigan or jacket over a dress, shirt, or blouse, you can just wear the cape over your baby to keep her warm during an evening Halloween party. Why, you can even choose to get a matching ladybug cape outfit with that of your darling! Truly, it would be a delight to see the look in your husband's eyes as soon as he gets a glimpse of his two endearing precious girls wearing a matching Ladybug Baby Costume. Parents actually need not be confined to some rules or guidelines when putting together a child's ladybug costume. Instead, they can be as creative as they want. They can add to or change the details of a particular ladybug costume design or even improvise using whatever materials are available, in order to come up with something fun, unique and original for their child. Hence, while some people might think otherwise, the possibilities for ladybug Halloween costumes have been proven to be endless. This is why it should not come as a surprise to anybody that, every now and then, a ladybug could repeatedly be seen fluttering around the room on Halloween time, and simply having the best time of his or her life.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Basic Information On Online Casinos

There are a number of options that people can turn to when it comes to making money. However, of all the lucrative alternatives available, none works better than one that gives one the opportunity to make money from something enjoyable. This has been made possible by the introduction of the online casinos. These are similar to the land based alternatives with the only difference being that players can play from the comfort of their homes. Nonetheless, to reap the most from online play, a number of things have to be done. The first thing that one has to do is to get a reliable computer to use. This is the secret to dependable online play. Online casinos use the computer as the platform. This means that the computer must be able to handle the casino software reliably and not result into any slow down. To achieve this goal, one has to purchase a fast computer.  

Image of online casinos.The RAM and processors have to be dependable enough to support the applications without slowing down. Additionally, it is highly recommended that one installs a reliable antivirus. This will help screen out the malwares that come through the Internet. Hacking tools are also kept out thereby avoiding account hacking. To play any game on the online casinos, one must have a dependable Internet connection.

Image of new casino games.All the transactions are made over the Internet. This means that time has to be spent in getting a dependable service provider to get Internet services from. When the Internet is fast, streaming is fast thereby enabling the player to enjoy the new casino games. On the other hand, when the Internet connection is slow or unreliable, chances are that one will end up frustrated with poor connections which can lead to losses. After the setting up the platforms, the next thing that one needs to do is to select the most reliable online casinos to play from.

Not every casino can help get the desired advantage. This is what calls for the need to conduct a comprehensive research on all the service providers in order to determine the most dependable one. Reliable casinos should be reputable, experienced, offer new casino games and with great bonuses. Customer support should be the main area of concentration. The next thing that a player has to do after choosing the right casinos is to select a game and understand it more profoundly. It takes commitment for one to achieve the desired results in a dependable way.

The number of wins that one gets is what determines the amount of money made. This means that time has to be spent understanding the target game more comprehensively. This will better the chances of winning. Lastly, it is important to understand that games on online casinos are addictive. This means that care has to be taken when placing the bets. Some people end up overspending due to the lack of a game plan. To avoid such problems, one has to take time in setting a budget based on personal financial reach. This will avoid getting into financial strains.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Birthday Newspapers as Presents

The birthday newspaper concept is probably one of the most inspired choices for one’s birthday. What exactly does that mean? In a birthday newspaper, the focus is on the celebrated one by referring to key data in their life and character. The photos, articles or small texts all make for a very personal gift that will make any recipient happy on such a special day. These can be nice presents for the birthday.

Whoever wants to put together a newspaper has different variants to choose from. A chronological outline is an option. Important events can be marked each year with a picture of a story or perhaps old newspaper articles. This variant is particularly suitable for advanced anniversaries. If the celebrated one is young, then one can build the birthday newspaper like a real newspaper. First comes the headlines: Current events in the life of the celebrated one, for example, the current celebration of the anniversary. In the marketing area, you could find a way to deal with money terms.

Image of presents.Maybe a girl's birthday is a real penny pincher or more of a playboy. The experiences of friends and relatives of the celebrated person are very important. The sporting achievements are to be listed in the sports section. If ‘there aren’t any, other activities are to compensate such as witty athletic performances. It is best to make reference to the favorite pastimes of the celebrated person. Another possible section of the newspaper is the features section. Here you can compare the life of the celebrated person with that of Roman heroes and write a kind of book review.

You can also write a (fictional) biography of the person. This way, you can fill the "International news" and "Local news" sections. In no case should a horoscope be missing. A horoscope is also another possible option for a birthday newspaper. Various events in the life and character will be treated based on the birth chart. The version chosen is also crucial: It is important that there is always a common thread running through the newspaper and that a clear structure is visible. It will surely help you find the best presents for the birthday.

Professionals in graphic design on the PC

Different techniques are used in the design. Professionals in graphic design will probably prefer to do the whole work on the computer. Photos can be scanned and put in the appropriate place. Or you can place personal photos and mementos such as postcards and drawings among the articles. True fans can craft very individual design offers. Small decorative elements like flowers and personal memories like children's drawings can be introduced using special instruments. There are so many complicated and unique types of newspapers. Particular attention should be paid to the cover page.

Color in the title page

Image of presents.Although the actual newspaper is printed in black and white, a color cover usually makes a better impression. Of course, a photo of the celebrated person is necessary for the title page. The cover sheet may be protected by a film to give the paper a high-quality touch. The newspaper has added stability if the last sheet is made of a stronger sheet of paper.

Once you have designed all the sheets, you have to decide on a binding. Clamping rails are an inexpensive option. The individual leaves are held together with a plastic rail. It is also worthwhile looking for staplers in a stationery shop. There are high-quality models that are quite suitable for a birthday newspaper. A more professional, but also more expensive option is the spiral binding. If you do not have a binding machine, you can buy such services in specialized stores. A newspaper is a very special birthday gift. However, high-quality materials should be used for this idea and the work itself to be worthwhile. Then the newspaper will have a great success with the recipient.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Monday, 15 August 2011
Vaults Inside Your Home

Believe it or not, many people do not understand equity and the power it provides. In its purest form, equity is money. With regard to real estate (specifically, your house or other investment property), equity is measured in terms of the value of the property minus what you owe. So, if your home is valued at $100,000, and you owe $40,000 on it, you have $60,000 in equity (actual money that is available to you, under particular circumstances). Surprisingly, many people have this type of equity and do not take advantage of it.

 Some people are actually in dire financial straits and fail to realize their problems can be solved very easily, by taking the equity from their home. Remember, your home is a "vault," and the money inside that vault belongs to you. Best of all, you can use that money/ equity for anything you desire, from home improvement to travel expenses to spending money.
Exactly what is a home equity line of credit or HELOC? A home equity line of credit, which lenders and mortgage brokers refer to as a HELOC, is a different kind of home loan. An equity line has different rates and terms from a conventional first mortgage. In a standard home loan, or mortgage, your monthly payments cover both the principal loan and the interest you are charged. Most mortgage payments include escrow, or taxes and insurance.

An equity line of credit payment does not reduce your principal loan amount and does not include escrow. You are borrowing the equity in your house and paying the bank an interest premium on that loan. With a HELOC, you pay only the interest on the loan and, generally, you get the money for less time than you do a standard first mortgage. The underwriting on these loans is very simple, and in most cases, the loans are very easy to get.

At close, you either get one big check, which you can deposit into your savings or checking account or you can get a check book and treat your equity line of credit as another checking account. The payment on equity lines is very enticing. Paying interest only makes for a very low payment. It's important to remember, though, when paying interest only, you are not paying down the principal loan balance.

So, let's suppose you take an equity line for $50,000 at 4.25% interest. This interest rate is based on the Prime rate, a floating rate that can change but does not fluctuate very often. When this article was first published, the prime rate was 4.25 percent. So, on your $50,000 equity line of credit, your payment is $177.00 each month. This is an incredibly low payment on a loan of this size. This gives you a great deal of power, because you can control a large sum of money for an extremely low monthly payment. It is this low, because you are only paying the interest on the loan. At the end of the first year, you will have paid the bank over $2,100. You will, however, still owe $50,000.

This is because your monthly payment is an interest-only payment. This is where some people can get in trouble with home equity lines of credit. If you use all the equity in your home and never pay down the balance, then decide to sell your house, you won't make anything on the sale, because you'll owe it all to the bank. It is also important to understand the terms on a home equity line of credit (HELOC). When talking to mortgage professionals about home equity lines of credit, be sure you understand the terms, as lenders vary on what they'll offer.

Like conventional mortgages, which have terms of 30 years, 15 years, 10 years, etc., home equity lines also have various terms, but not all lenders offer them. Don't let this confuse you. Just find your trustworthy mortgage broker, and tell him or her exactly what you want.

Unlike mortgage payments, which include complicated yearly amortization of the principal loan amount, interest-only payments are calculated very easily. You can do it in two simple steps. To find out your payment, first learn what rate of interest you'll be charged. If you are using 80 percent or less of the equity available and you have an A credit rating, you'll be able to get the best rate available, which is the prime rate. Now, let's assume you have $40,000 in equity in your house, but you only need $20,000 (taking less than 100% of the equity is important). You take $20,000 and multiply it by 4.25%, which gives you 850. This is what you'll pay each year to borrow $20,000. Next, divide the 850 by 12 for a monthly, interest-only payment. Your payment for your $20,000 home equity line of credit is $70.83.

This is a very powerful loan. Imagine paying less than 71 dollars for the ability to control $20,000. Some people pay more for cable TV or their monthly cell phone bill. Some people even take the equity in their home and invest it elsewhere. You're probably figuring out how much equity you have right now, and what you can do with that money. To learn how you can turn your equity into a never-ending money cycle that will fill your bank account year after year, read Winning the Mortgage Game. Whatever you decide, open the cash vault inside your home, and make use of your equity today.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 6:58 AM EDT
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Hedging with Measure: The right insurance

Here we explain how you do your insurance inventory personal best - and call the “golden rules” that need to be considered.

Almost anything can be insured. There are dozens of policies that appear reasonable at least at first sight and fired by the ubiquitous advertising. But what you really need? Underwriting risks you need? What insurance do you need to get yourself and your family a reasonable level of safety? Our guide will help you to determine your needs, depending on your age, your family and your job situation, but it also depends on your hobbies and passions. This is the first step. In the second step, we deal with insurance brokers, i.e. those places that allow you to connect the Internet or in person contact, if you want to enter into a contract. Who can you trust? What you should know about Agent? What about brokers? And why can an insurance consultant worth on a fee basis?

 image of insurance.In the third step, we provide you with the most important types of insurance by one. We start with those at which case you should have any in: health insurance, disability and liability insurance. We explain the choices you have with each supplier and what type of insurance you should every eighth at - to be completed. Next, we provide you with insurance against those special life situation make sense to you and it need not be, however: by the life insurance policy on compulsory insurance policies against civil liability and disability. To this end we provide you with online calculators, and independent comparisons are available.

Our stern.de partner tools are carefully selected and represent a fair selection of policies. Next, we perform on those types of insurance that you can save the view of our security. Another section of our guide we have devoted to the question of how to solve problems with your insurance company best: What you need to do if the company does not pay? What should you look here? And how did you come from an insurance company out again, under what circumstances you can terminate such?

In the last section we summarize the key points for dealing with insurance companies once again on a checklist together and offer you a link list with links on the web. Because it is important to maintain in the often confusing use of variety of insurance your cool, we will already here, “Golden Rules,” which is there to consider if you do your inventory in terms of insurance.

Basically, the “worst case” principle is primarily accessible only as the “maximum credible accidents” from, death, disability and liability. Unlike the (social) State Insurance (International) sharp calculating corporations it is not only the responsibility of customers and employees, but also the shareholders, except for mutual associations. Always check that your personal risk insurance is worth and what risk you also (even in the composite family) who may or themselves. Your personal protection results from basic welfare state plus private provision. The (mental) aggregation helps to avoid being over-insuranced. Disconnect (mental) uncertainties of each other. Combined offers are rarely useful, insuring individual risks are often cheaper.

Calculate insurance quotes risks and premiums but statistically, that is based on the mass. Individually, the principle still applies: Higher risk equal higher price for insurance. What are his personal risks (for example, diseases, lifestyle and habits) are indicated and if they are incomplete or incorrect, he loses all or part of the insurance. Always pay insurance premiums every year That's policies by up to ten percent cheaper, or in the case of life insurance products more profitable. The only restriction: the case of “unit-linked” insurance premium payment can reduce the risk of changes in value monthly.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Monday, 1 August 2011
Lotto Tips-Numbers with Lotto 6/49
First of all, there is a widespread misconception that can be counteracted. The probability of achieving a lottery ticket and winning a lottery cannot increase by ticking off certain lottery numbers! Lotto is triggered neither by consciousness, nor by memory or "knowledge." A particular number can be a lucky one from the perspective of some people or it has been drawn to rarely in the past, which makes it unlucky.


Image of play online lotterie.Assuming all 49 lottery numbers were drawn on average 400 times, but a particular lottery number was among them, which was by chance drawn 40 times less, it was only drawn 360 times. In fact, this number will be considered just as popular or unpopular as other in the future. If all the lottery numbers were drawn 800 times on average, these have been drawn 760 times on average. You need the best lotto tips to win the game easily. Play online lotterie too. There are a lot of sites that you can now visit.


Therefore, it has still been drawn 40 times less. Although it has been drawn no more frequently than the other lottery numbers, the important and decisive percentage gap has become smaller! And this list of coincidental indices continues!


More tickets do not necessarily increase your chance of winning the lottery. The total sum distributed is a certain fixed proportion of the total prize in every income class. If a lot of players have checked at least three of the drawn lottery numbers, then they will split the money accordingly. This reduces the chances of the lottery players of earning a certain amount of amount of money in the event of a win-less lottery and lotto tickets distributed rises. Always use the best lotto tips as you play online lotterie. These will help you win in the games.


However, players can also be successful or unsuccessful by ticking off the unpopular lottery numbers. While all lottery players get back an average of about 50 cents, some players get back about 75 cents. The keystroke of lottery players is just not different enough so that you get back paid more than you have invested. So you can only reduce your average losses.


How to find out now what Lotto numbers are unpopular? This requires the theoretical Lotto odds for each winning class. This lottery quota would result if all 13983816 possible lottery tickets were equally frequently submitted.


Here they are:


Winning Class 1 (6 correct numbers with bonus number): 50% x 10% • 13,983,816 / 0.1 • 0.75 euro = 5,243,931.00 euro
Winning Class 2 (6 correct numbers without bonus number): 50% × 8% • 13,983,816 / 0.9 * 0.75 euro = 466,127.20 euro
Winning Class 3 (5 correct numbers with bonus number): 50% x 5% • 2,330,636 • 0.75 euro = 43,699.42 euro
Winning Class 4 (5 correct numbers without bonus number): 50% light 13% • 55491.3 • 0.75 euro = 2,705.20 euro
Winning Class 5 (4 correct numbers with bonus number): 50% × 2% • 22196.5 • 0.75 euro = 166.47 euro
Winning Class 6 (4 correct numbers without bonus number): 50% x 10% • 1082.8 • 0.75 euro = 40.60 euro
Winning Class 7 (3 correct numbers with bonus number): 50% × 8% • 812.07 • 0.75 euro = 24.36 euro
Winning Class 8 (3 correct numbers without bonus number): 50% • 44% • 60.905 • 0.75 euro = 10.05 euro

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Sunday, 24 July 2011
A Small Wonder: The Egg


Each egg is a small miracle. It is perfectly designed and is characterized by a high content of nutrients. No wonder a living being can develop from a fertilized egg. If an egg is fertilized, the embryo is supplied with the nutrients in the egg white and yolk. The dish should protect the living being.

Basically, an egg is made of three parts: the yolk, the albumen and the shell. These are in a ratio of 30:60:10.

But not all eggs have these components in this ratio. The composition is mainly established by the genetic predisposition and the age of the hen.Boiled eggs ca present slightly different ratio. But there are also differences between the different types of poultry. Eggs of guinea fowl, for example, have a very high proportion of yolk, while pigeon eggs only have a small yolk.


The structure of the egg


The surface membrane


You might have already wondered why eggs are so durable. This is due to the thin membrane of the eggshell among other things. The membrane offers bactericidal and fungicidal protection. This is why eggs can also be left outside for a while and do not have to be stored in the refrigerator immediately. But there are some things you must pay attention to so that this surface membrane is not destroyed. The eggs should not be cracked. The shell can be weakened by too much sunlight, humidity and too high temperatures and its protective effect is reduced.

The yolk

image of eggs.The yolk has a diameter of approximately 3 cm and is enclosed by the yolk membrane. It takes a variety of functions. It is not only the carrier of the embryo if the egg has been fertilized, but also contains a high number of nutrients. It has so many nutrients that a little chicken can live for 21 days in it and then comes out. The yolk is kept in the middle by the hail cords. This prevents the embryo from sticking to the shell and dying.

In older eggs, the chalazae are elastic and the yolk moves further to the outside. Therefore, this is a criterion you can use in order to determine how fresh an egg is.

What the yolk color depends on:

The color of the yolk depends on the feeding effect. If there are many carotenoids (such as in maize), the yolk is dark. This is indeed popular among consumers, but has no effect on the taste.

The eggshell

Do brown shells come from bio-hens and white shells from hens raised in cages? No way! The shell has nothing to do with the type of farming, but with the race. There is also no difference in taste. However, white eggs are easier to color.

The eggshell is mainly responsible for protection against mechanical stress. There can be gas and fluid exchanges through the 10000 pores. This is important when the chick in the egg is developing because it allows it to be supplied with oxygen. Such a shell can do even more. It prevents the drying out of the egg at high temperatures, but allows the exchange of heat, too.

The egg white

The egg white is the part that goes to the yolk through the yolk membrane and is separated from the shell by two membranes. It consists of a thick, medium and thin liquid layer, with the thin liquid layer situated to the outside. The proportion of the thin layer of albumen increases with the age of the egg. There is an air bubble at the blunt end of the egg (between the inner and outer membrane) caused by the cooling after the laying process. Like the surface membrane, the egg white has a bacteria-inhibiting effect.

It should be noted that the egg white is not only made of protein (10%), but most of it is water (90%).

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Monday, 18 July 2011
Insomnia - How to Get a Good Night Sleep

The nightly "Good night" is just a dream or a metaphor for almost a third of Americans who suffer from insomnia. "Women in particular are affected," said psychologist Prof. Dr. John Zollo. "The work they have to do at the office, back home and taking care of the children is a very big burden for most women, which does not let them go to sleep at night. But other causes may jeopardize the vital sleep, too."

Good sleep gives you strength for the day

Undercover: "Only about a third of those affected choose to go to the doctor and talk about their problem. Unfortunately, no one needs to worry anymore thanks to the modern therapies which can cure people who suffer from insomnia", says the sleep expert. "There are a large number of internal and external causes of insomnia and an accurate diagnosis is very important to exclude serious illnesses such as cardiac arrhythmia or hyperthyroidism."

Symptoms: "Those affected will feel tired and exhausted during the day, will suffer from head pressure and fatigue, especially during monotonous activities such as driving or reading," said Zollo. "Sleepwalking, teeth grinding and nightmares are also possible."

Sleep hygiene: Sometimes it is just the environment that makes it difficult to sleep at night. The optimum room temperature is around 16 to 18 degrees. You should also wear airy sleeping clothes. Turn any disturbing light sources such as the clock radio and you may renew the mattress if necessary, too.

image of snoring.When the night is a pain

Restless legs: six million Americans suffer from the so-called restless legs syndrome (RLS). "The tingling in the legs at night regularly drives you out of bed and determines you to move around the house," says Prof. Walter Ozzie, Department of Neurology at the University of South Carolina. "The supporters of the brain messenger chemical dopamine, ropinirole, can be a significant drag. The leg tingling gets better after about ten weeks in half of those affected. The quality of sleep will improve."

Tablets: "It is sometimes useful to go to the doctor and ask for a limited use of sleeping pills to withdraw from a chronic sleep disorder, " said Prof. Walter Ozzie. Modern sleeping pills contain drugs such as diphenhydramine, which do not lead to dependence right away.

Self-help: How to find peace again

Valerian: Its essential oils have a sleep-inducing and calming effect. The problem of insomniacs is often independent. Here is how you can break the vicious circle:

- You should perform some rituals before you go to bed to forget about the tiredness you accumulated during the day. Helpful: relaxation exercises such as autogenic training or yoga.

- A warm bath or warm milk with honey helps you go to sleep and stay asleep. Your last thoughts should be soothing like walking through a garden instead of watching TV.

- Herbal sleep aids such as high doses of Valerian or a trio of Valerian, hops and passion flower (e.g. sedative tablets) calm the nerves, promote inner peace and so help you to sleep. Electronic music has the same effect. The University of Miami found that slightly distorted stereo sounds help you to sleep, too.

Stages of sleep: The brain is fully absorbed

You go through up to five sleep cycles per night. EEG measures the brain waves, so we know that sleep is a dynamic process and the brain is very active during this process.

- Our sleep goes through multiple, recurring phases from the light sleep to deep sleep. Each phase lasts about 90 to 100 minutes and is repeated four to five times per night.

- A short, often only a minute lasting sedation is normal! Usually, people do not remember anything the next morning.

- Sleep lab: The brain waves, eye movements and muscle tension are recorded and analyzed in the sleep laboratory in order to accurately diagnose insomnia. Your doctor will need to transfer your tests to a laboratory.

Quick test: Are you sleeping?

1 Do you find it difficult to sleep at night or do you drink a glass of alcohol before going to bed?
2 Do you wake up more often at night and then go to sleep again?
3 Do you suffer from morning headaches or feel tired and unfocused during the day?
4 Are you sometimes so tired that you are having trouble calling or driving to get food?
5 Do you or your partner suffer from sleep apnea?

Score: Sleep disorders are a common disease. You should try to improve your sleep hygiene even if you have only one positive answer. If that does not work or the symptoms get worse, you should not be afraid to go to the doctor

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 7:49 AM EDT
Friday, 8 July 2011
Caution Video Poker Causes Gambling Addiction

The winning tables are the ones that matter

Image of gambling advisors.Similarly to the slots in Las Vegas, there are video poker machines that pay more than others, i.e. they have a higher payout ratio. The great thing is that you can see this on the profit table and not move around in the dark as in the case of slots. But you have to take caution because this may cause gambling addiction. Listen to your casino advisors for the best thing to do.

1. Search VP machines with a so-called full-pay table:

There are video poker machines that offer 100% payouts when played correctly and that always hold the right cards. These machines have a 9/7er table that is read as follows:



Hand                                       Payout for 1 coin played

Royal flush                                          250
Straight flush                                      50
Four of a kind                                     25
Full house                                            9
Flush                                                   7
Straight                                               4
Three of a kind                                    3
Two pairs                                            2
Jack or better                                       1

You should play at such a machine if you find it. This machine will pay back an average of 100.7%. You will find the quotas for full house and flush (9 and 7 coins). The profits for the cards are almost always the same at all machines.

Other rates are:

  • 9/7: 100.7%
  • 9/6: 99.5% (also rare)
  • 8/5: 97.3% (common)
  • 7/5: 96.4%
  • 6/5: 95.5% (especially in the expensive casinos)

You can find full-pay machines in many of the casinos in downtown Las Vegas. However, full-pay machines with 9/7 or 9/6 quotas difficult to find in the big resorts.

2. Learn the rules!

Image of gambling addiction.The high-spirited video poker machine is worthless if one does not play correctly. You will definitely make mistakes if you do not know the basic rules of the game and the casino will get a significant house advantage. Learn the rules and avoid gambling addiction to keep the game healthy and fun. Somegood casino advisors can help you with this.

Video poker - Jacks or Better strategy

You have the following cards in the first hand (you receive 5 cards in the first hand) in the order of their significance:

  • Full house or anything that is of higher quality
  • 4 cards when one card is missing to a royal flush
  • A straight flush
  • 4 cards, if only one card is missing to a straight flush
  • Two pairs
  • Pairs over 10
  • 3 cards to a royal flush
  • 4 cards to a flush
  • A pair of jacks
  • 4 cards to a straight
  • 2 suited cards of 10
  • 3 to a Straight flush
  • 2 non-colored cards over 10 (if you select more than 2, select the lowest cards)
  • 10 and jack, 10 and queen or king of the same color
  • A card higher than a jack

If you have none of these cards, then replace all the five cards.

3. Play with 5 coins

The 5 coins table always pays the best. Play better on a machine with a smaller currency unit if you believe 5 coins is too expensive. You get considerably less for a royal flush with 1, 2, 3 or 4 coins, so you should not bother.

4. Do not play with 3 cards missing to a flush

This strategy is very popular, but it is wrong: if you have 3 identical cards, you should not keep them and aim at a flush. It is not worth it unless there are 3 cards that fit into a royal flush.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 July 2011 7:01 AM EDT

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