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Sunday, 4 March 2012
Warnings and Installation Steps of Pools



This article is a summary of the process of installation of a pool in a conventional polyester shell. A polyester shell should always be filled with water (at ¾ of the skimmer). Consult your installer and apply the usual precautions for any discharge, may it be partial or full. It is imperative to check whether there is any water in the basin, especially in the winter, in heavy rain conditions or in the presence of a high water table in the basement.

No chemicals should be poured directly into the basin as skimmer baskets and disinfectants are provided for the same purpose. Do not use products that are not specifically recommended by your installer, including copper sulphate or other products loaded with metal ions. They may cause incompatibilities with the coating of the polyester shell. Use only plumbing supplies like Pex or Ferguson.

Never use a grinder or projection equipment for metal parts near the pool.

The steps of installing a PVC pool

The installation of a pool
Tracing and defining the zero point

The installation of a pool

Even before the opening of the site, t is essential to define the boundaries of the site of and ensure that no underground water or electricity passes through that location.

Implantation in natural sloping terrain

A lot of conditions need to be taken into consideration when it comes to ensuring the stability of the pool when the ground surface is not horizontal.

There are two possibilities:

Case 1: Creating a platform for the disbursement of land

The upper slope stability must be such that the wall undergoes no thrust. The lower slope must be strong enough to ensure the stability of the hull.

Case 2: Creating a retaining wall

The characteristics of the wall are determined by the slope and the size of the pool. In any event, it is advisable to bring a skilled artisan to design this type of work and to manufacture it.

The quality of the soil

After determining the location of the pool, you have to learn about the soil and its stability. The polyester shell must be installed on stable, coherent, homogeneous and water-free ground. It is strongly advised to conduct a survey (trench, auger, drill...) at the site in case of uncertainty regarding the nature or the homogeneity of the soil. The stability and consistency of the soil determine the filling. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the subsoil and the water drainage on and around the pool, beaches and stairs.

The definition of the zero point

picture of pool supplies. A tracking sheet facilitates the tracking down process significantly, but you have to draw the pool in the absence of a cover, making sure it is square to the ground.

Tools: stakes, cords, tracers and decameters

Measure four meters along the AD line starting from corner A. Point X is thus obtained. Take corner A and measure three meters in width. Point Y is thus obtained. The distance between points X and Y (hypotenuse of the triangle) must be equal to 5 meters and if there are more than 5 meters, the opposite angle is greater than 90 degrees (open), while if there are less than 5 meters, the opposite angle is below 90 degrees (close), so you must adjust the angle to get a perfect squaring.

Check the ratings for your pool excavation after getting the correct 90 angle. Measure the two diagonals AC and BD to check if the distance is correct. You must obtain the same length between AC and BD. Check your blind if you don’t. Make sure the path corresponds to the chosen location.

The zero point

The level point called 0 (zero) point serves as a reference point for the finished work. It defines the level of your pool in relation to the arrangements or the slope of your land. It can be determined using a telescopic surveyor or water level. The 0 point is referential throughout the site. Mark the 0 point out of the access and traffic areas.


The aim of earthwork is to achieve an excavation to receive the hull. Particular care must be taken in this operation. The search must be clean and purged of any element of resistance or sag. Observe the Coast moving data (between 20 cm and 30 cm from the inner side of the pool).

Do not compensate with loose soil if the excavation is oversized (too deep), but use reconstituted stabilized soil. Add a geotextile on the bottom. People usually resume the desired level with ballast (80 mm).

Major excavation is required to perform the work if the ground is not stable. Therefore, the implementation of the embankment becomes essential. Thus, it is necessary to create a reconstituted soil stabilized with riprap, which reduces the width of the excavation.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Hoodia Gordonii – The Ideal Plant for Weight Loss

Nature has to offer quite a lot and it also offers this plant which is so similar to a cactus. This plant the present article refers to helps combat obesity. Hoodia Gordonii originates from southern Africa, more precisely from the Kalahari Desert. Similarly to Aloe Vera, it contains a considerable amount of fluid in its storage tissue.

But how does this plant work?

This plant is tightly connected to the South African soldiers, who could resist without eating too much food and drinking too many fluids for a very long period of time. They could complete their long hunting trips without too many resources effortlessly. A closer examination of the plant led to the conclusion that it contains the so-called P57 molecule, which reduces the appetite significantly.

Hoodia is best if provided as capsules, so you should pay attention to the quality of the products you buy.Some drink hoodia tea,and there are also hoodia patches available. The demand has increased tremendously, but very few things are still known about this plant and the products which contain it. This plant is also very rare, but more and more people are trying to grow Hoodia Gordonii. This cultivar grows faster than the wild plant, but it is yet debatable whether it actually has the same effect as the original plant.

Does Hoodia act reliably against obesity?

image of diet hoodia.Since obesity is above all a psychological problem, the long-term success cannot be guaranteed, since many people eat more when they are faced with stressful situations. They are often not hungry, but still eat a lot because of the difficulties they are faced with. The success of any appetite suppressant also depends on a healthy diet. If you stuff yourself with too much chocolate and cake, you just take in a lot of calories and this cannot lead you towards the weight loss you are looking for.

Everyone knows the secret of a good life: a balanced diet and regular exercise. An appetite suppressant can certainly help, no matter whether you drink mate tea or you take Hoodia Gordonii. You can also obtain the results you want without appetite suppressants, but with a little discipline and motivation. However, good Hoodia products are not always very cheap.

Beware of Hoodia orders via Internet

Hoodia Gordonii (and other plants of the Hoodia genus) are being characterized by their action as appetite suppressants, and many pharmaceutical companies have exploited this plant and so now its existence is threatened, but there are legal measures against this.No major or general hoodia side effects have been reported yet,and thousands of people allready used it.The plants of the Hoodia genus have been under protection since the 13th Conference of the Parties of the CITES Convention in 2004, Hoodia Gordonii  is also being protected by law in South Africa.

Therefore, in your own interest, it is better to make sure that the dealer confirms the origin of the Hoodia plant used in writing. The dealer should also have an EU import permit for the Hoodia plants and products distributed (this also applies when the plant is purchased in Europe). Otherwise, both the dealer and the buyer can support fines, but even criminal proceedings can be initiated.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 9:45 AM EST
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Blackjack Card Counting Strategy


The blackjack basic strategy and the strategy table are the starting points of all advanced blackjack strategies like card counting. Forget about card counting if you do not memorize the basic strategy perfectly.

You can only advance to the next level once you know the basic strategy perfectly. You can win at blackjack with card counting. Dominate the count well enough and you will have better odds.

The principle of card countingimage of blackjack card counting.

The idea that stands behind card counting is that a deck full of 10s and aces is in favour of the shooter, while a deck with relatively many small cards is favourable to the dealer. So you should increase your bet when the deck is favourable to you and, correspondingly, reduce it if it is in favour of the casino.

Why this is so?

A deck which is rich in tens increases the likelihood that the dealer covers his hand, while the player can stop in time. On the other hand, the donor will gain quite rarely when the deck contains many small cards. You can count the cards and find out if the cover shows a preponderance of either 10s or small cards. In other words, you can adapt your strategy to the situation.

On the other hand, the donors are to pull a soft 17. It is often a bad idea to go for a stiff hand at 10.6 if the tens dominate. This gives the card counter an advantage over the casino.

On the other hand, a deck which contains many aces increases the opportunities for blackjack - a player who has a blackjack pays 3:2, while the donor with a blackjack collects more than his bet. Therefore, a deck full of aces is more favourable for the player rather than for the dealer.

How to count the cards

Fortunately, you do not have to keep every single card that has been played in a 6-deck game in your mind. It would be sensational if you could do that. You would be a genius or perhaps a madman, which is more likely.

Various strategies are issued, according to different point values of the cards. Each system has its pros and cons. Generally, a simple system is recommended. This results in fewer mistakes in the end and mistakes are expensive if you count cards.

The running counts

Each card is assigned a specific value and the card counter must simply add the values of the given cards. This is known as the running count. This plus / minus strategy – also known as high / low strategy – has been issued based on the following values of the cards:

2, 3, 4, 5, 6 = 1

7, 8, 9 = 0

10, B, D, K, Ace = -1

Here is an example to explain the principle of the running counts:

Only an ace is given. Thus, the counting starts at -1. This is followed by a 6 and we add 1 so that we come back to zero. Then a 3 and we add another point. The running count is now +1. Then a 4 and the running count is +2 ... and so on.

If the count is in the plus, it means that many small cards have been dropped, which is in the player’s benefit. According to the rules of probability, a player should increase the bet if the number increases towards the end of a deck.

If he doesn’t, he has a so-called "unbalanced counting blackjack strategy.' It is advisable to go one step further and get to a balanced card counting system.

Balanced vs. unbalanced card counting strategies

Sticking to the example in Part 1, let us imagine that the first card dealt is a 6-deck carriage. Such a count would be less accurate than a census, considering the high number of remaining cards in the stack. Some would call this “a variance factor,” while some would call it good or bad luck.

Another example: Let us say that your running count is 5 on the first hand after the mixing of a single deck. It makes more sense than if you added the same value at the first hand in a 6-deck game.

The uncertainty factor is more important when the deck is reduced. Card counters often want to rely on luck. Therefore, you have to adjust the strategy, so that you take this factor into account, too. You should use a method that takes the number of remaining decks into consideration. A count for each remaining deck is also called the “True Count.”

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 10:27 AM EST
Monday, 20 February 2012
Advice for Your Wedding and Engagement Rings


Getting engaged is not a legal requirement. It is more like a tradition. Should you organize a special reception? When do you give her the ring and what type of should you give her? What requirements do you have to meet? Can you break the commitment?

A "yes" to the fateful question: "Will you marry me?" announces an infinite love and a lot of plans for the future. A "no" does not necessarily mean the death of love, but maybe a postponement if the partner is too busy. She may suggest another form of union (cohabitation, etc...) for now.


In the past, the man used to go to his partner’s father to ask for her hand in marriage. According to the tradition, the engagement announces a forthcoming marriage. But it is mainly a time of reflection for the bride and groom, during which they learn about themselves. This initial commitment teaches them about the real commitment of marriage. It is also an opportunity for them to present their families and friends, a step that prepares them to change their status from single to married.

Today, engagements are less ceremonial. Far from sealing the alliance between two families, they represent more of a sign of love between two people and are celebrated through an intimate party.

Why would you get engaged?

The engagement is a mutual commitment period before marriage, a "test" of your future relationship. The mens engagement ring represents a promise that you will unite forever. And it is usually an opportunity to set the wedding date.

One must answer several questions before such a commitment, even if it is not official:

Do I really want to spend the rest of my life with him or her?
Is it a whim, a passing thing?
Does this engagement involve pressure of the family and the couple's entourage?
Are we honest with each other? What are my feelings?
Will I be able to support her, etc.?

How should you say it?

Each country has its own customs. Fortunately, in the United States, there is no requirement to be met when it comes to proposing. Usually, the man proposes, but recent evidence shows that women also dare to take the bull by the horns and move forward in their relationship nowadays.

Organize something special, romantic, in a specific location... Some prefer intimate places, while others propose in public. You no longer see little princes kneeling in front of any audience to ask the hand of the one they love, but you sometimes hear proposals on the radio...

According to the tradition, the man has to go to his partner’s father and ask "his daughter’s hand in marriage", but many do not respect this tradition anymore. This announcement is now made after the informal proposal to the valentine.

image of engagement bands. Another tradition is that the gold engagement ring is ready on that day, but this is not always the case! You should find out what stones your partner wants first in order to avoid surprises and disappointments.

Once you have selected the date of your engagement, the invitation can be launched either in writing or by telephone at least a month or two months before the event. Announcements and invitations are increasingly used on this occasion, especially if there are a lot of people invited.

What ring should you choose?

You should go to a jeweler to help you with the choice just to be sure. If you plan your engagement in advance, make sure you know what you are looking for.

Choose a type of mount, a color, a material and a type of ring that will please your future wife. If you are inclined toward family jewels, make sure they are adjusted.

The engagement ring and the wedding ring are traditionally worn on the ring finger of the left hand. Although there is no specific evidence on the origin of this tradition, there are two well-established beliefs. The first one, which dates back to the 17th century, is that a priest reached the fourth finger after touching the first three fingers of his left hand during a Christian wedding in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The second is an Egyptian belief that says that the alliance finger follows the vena amoris, that is to say the vein of love, which leads directly to the heart.

Month                         Stone                           Meaning

January                        Garnet                         Consistency
February                      Amethyst                    Sincerity
March                          Aquamarine,                Courage
April                            Diamond                     Sustainability
May                             Emerald                       Success
June                             Pearl                            Health
July                              Ruby                           Satisfaction
August                                    Onyx                           Marital happiness
September                   Sapphire                      Wisdom
October                       Opaline                        Hope
November                   Topaz                          Fidelity
December                    Turquoise                   Harmony, prosperity

When should you get engaged?

Traditionally, the engagement is announced 6 months to 1 year before the wedding!

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 9:33 AM EST
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Coffee and benefits


The beneficial effect of the brown beans has been known for a long time

Coffee - the word alone saves all of us from a variety of fantasies and musings. Coffee is the first thing we see in the morning. The record with regard to coffee consumption show that there Europeans consume no less than 6 kg of coffee per head per year. The Scandinavians, for instance, consume about 10 kg per capita every year. The British consume 2 kg per head, but that is no surprise because everyone knows they prefer tea.

However, few people know that coffee was used as a drug at the very beginning of its ascent. For instance, in Arabia, coffee has been known as a drug for 1000 years now. The Arab medical literature contains evidence that the so-called brown gold was used as a drug in the 10th century AD.

image of coffee. People only started to use the ground beans of the coffee plant as a stimulating drink much later. Europeans, for instance, have also been doing this for 200 years. The well-known Goethe gave his friend, the chemist Friedrich Ferdinand Runge, a box of beans in 1820 and it was he who discovered caffeine.

People who value only the taste of coffee and not the stimulating effect of caffeine should drink decaffeinated coffee. Caffeine is extracted with organic solvents, which are often suspected to be carcinogenic.

However, those who believe that scientists have found out everything about this stimulant are wrong. In fact, today they are analyzing the extent to which this hot drink slows down the occurrence of various diseases or even prevents it. Regular coffee consumption may protect against disease.


The harmony or the interaction of various components of coffee in a coffee or espresso blend is similar to a perfume or an orchestra. The top, base and middle notes make up a complex and pleasant fragrance. An orchestra sounds best if the different instruments play in harmony. An espresso or coffee blend also follows this principle. A perfect coffee blend is thus a harmonious blend of acidity, bitterness, sweetness and “body”. In the coffee world, the word "body" defines the taste of an espresso. The higher the viscosity or creaminess of the espresso, the richer is the body. Of course, there are many ways of achieving a perfect blend. In the end, it is up to each individual to decide what taste they like best. However, it is up to the roast maestro to tell if such a mixture is possible or not. Everyone develops different flavor characteristics of a particular coffee roast. Moreover, different coffee beans from different countries have different sizes, so the roast master may have to roast each bean individually or leave them in the roasting drum longer. Thus, the homogeneity of the coffee roast depends on the experience and philosophy of the roast maestro. The coffee is mixed either before or after the roasting. Individual roasting is a guarantee that the properties of every bean are fully exploited and that no bean remains raw.

The coffee roast degrees

Light roast = pale or cinnamon-roasted
Average roast = American roast, breakfast roast
Strong roast = French roast, Viennese roast
Double roast = continental roast, French roast
Espresso roast = Italian roast
Torrefacto (Spanish for roasted) = with added sugar, especially common in Spain.

The beans must be cooled immediately after roasting. Otherwise, the hot beans can burn or lose their optimal roast degree.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 8:57 AM EST
Friday, 3 February 2012
Bonuses in Poker


A major benefit of poker is that you get a bonus when you open an account on a poker site. In addition to this, you can get additional funds for free in certain conditions. The amounts vary from one platform to another. The conditions are more or less advantageous and are targeted to different play styles. This article is meant to inform you on the different offers you can find on this gambling market.

The deposit bonus

The deposit bonus is the first offered to a player when he opens an account in real money. The percentage (relative to the amount of the initial deposit) varies from 10% to 200% and even 500% in some cases. The bonus is determined by the amount deposited on the best poker sites. For example, a 100% bonus can amount to 500 USD.

You should always take a good look at the general conditions you need to meet in order to receive this gift before you get excited. Some sites offer a bonus you can use immediately while others require you to play a number of hands (taxed by the room) before you can access or withdraw your bonus. This is an important factor in the decision-making process. Do you prefer a bonus which is available immediately or are you more satisfied with a bonus you can use after a while?

Find the best poker room and bonus

You have three choices:

1. A small bonus that you can withdraw after a short period of time.
2. A big bonus that can be used immediately, but that you can withdraw after playing a number of raked hands (the tax is levied by the casino). These raked hands give you points, which determine the moment when you can cash out (some casinos allow you to cash out when you reach 200 or 250 points).
3. A big bonus you cannot use, but which you can get in the same conditions as listed in the previous paragraph.

image of  poker. You may be wondering what the point of all this is? This is to be analyzed in detail in the following part of the article.

Offer 1: The choice of beginners eager to remove a large portion of their earnings right away is obvious. They opt for the bonuses which are available immediately even if they are minimal (25%). They start the game and cannot play the necessary number of hands without draining their starting capital, so they take advantage of the bonus. There is a risk that they need to re-register (reload bonus) in order to finally reach their goal.

Offer 2: This is for those who like to play! You deposit 100 USD or more (up to the maximum limit) and the poker site gives you twice the amount (this is a very good offer). Practically, you get to play with twice your initial deposit, so this is a really interesting offer. By cons, you can withdraw your bonus after playing the number of rounds required by the poker site. However, playing poker with twice the initial bet can lead to higher limits but also increase the chances of winning (or losing). Be careful!

Offer 3: Regular and confirmed players consider that the best choice is to play on sites like Prime Poker. Like many other sites, Prime Poker does not credit the bonus instantly, but doubles the earnings every month. It appears that this is a very convincing strategy.

How to get the bonus

There are no solutions when it comes to getting a bonus. You just have to be a gamer! Many people play No Limit Texas Hold’em poker, but in this case, the best poker game to choose is Limit poker. You will be more comfortable playing at several tables at once while minimizing your risks. Opt for tables of 6 players (the game is faster) and limits of 0.50/1 USD or ½ USD. Beginners are strongly advised to play at one table at a time, at least initially. It takes longer but it is safer!

Bonus hunting

Follow these tips and you can soon go bonus hunting. Remember that some players win big money because they make the most of the bonuses online poker rooms provide them with.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 9:15 AM EST
Thursday, 26 January 2012
The Blocking Bet in Online Poker Tournaments


Poker is a lot more than just a game. Nothing should be left to chance if you want to win and have a chance to win a nice pot. You must develop tactics and know exactly how to respond to of your opponents’ attitudes and strategies.

The blocking bet is especially useful when your opponent has decided to play loose and is particularly aggressive.

The blocking bet: Generalities

The blocking bet is a tactic that experienced poker players master to perfection. As the name suggests, this strategy consists in making subtle bets with the intention to block the opponents. The particularity of this tactic lies in the fact that the player invests a modest sum to stay in the game.

Specifically, the player who controls the blocking bet can see the cards and can even reach the showdown without breaking the bank and without the enemy beating him to the punch. Therefore, it is a method of defense that will not determine your opponent to fold.

The player can call the blocking bet on the flop, that is to say when the players receive three visible cards, on the turn, which is the fourth community card or on the river, which is the final community card.

Objectives of the blocking bet

image of casino game. The blocking bet is a strategy that is aimed specifically at people with average hands. It prevents your opponent from placing a big bet. Because of this specificity, the blocking bet is a strategy to be used when you are not the last to speak.

A blocking bet gives you the opportunity to save money since you lose less money if your hand is lower than your opponent’s at the end of slaughter. Ultimately, the goal is to reaching the end of the game without having to bet big.

The blocking betalso stops your opponents from bluffing. Indeed, other players will easily account for your weakness. If you raise, this suggests that you have an interesting hand and that you are hopeful for the future. Thus, the other players will show more reluctance when it comes to collecting a payout even if they have a good combination in hand.

At what point should you use the blocking bet?

Above all, it is useful to recall that the blocking bet is primarily for players with an average hand like a middle pair, but who want to reach the end of the online casino tournaments. There is no reason to use the blocking bet if you have a strong combination in hand, so it would be a shame. You will not use this technique if you are playing against a weak opponent who plays tight and bets only on strong hands.

This is a very careful player who captures the river card. Ultimately, you must remember that the latter type of player will rely primarily on colors. Apply the strategy if the chances are minimal. Those who reach the end of the game and have a good chance of winning do not hesitate to play the card of the bluff.

The blocking bet is perfect against opponents who play loose and are aggressive. Although this is a tactic that plays in your favor, you should also know that this type of player will be watching your every weakness and will be particularly aggressive on the river.

He will certainly use the bluff if you pass. If you have a good combination and you decide to bet, the opponent will not be tempted to bluff especially if he is familiar to the system of check and raise. This tactic will also bring you good results against a basic player, whether he plays tight or loose.

In the event that you pass, your opponent will inevitably think that the card was bad and will form an even stronger hand. Once again, he will get the opportunity to save money.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Sunday, 22 January 2012
How to Choose Flowers for a Wedding


The flowers set the mood of the ceremony and reception. The services of a florist should be selected as soon as your wedding date has been chosen.

The bridal bouquet

The bridal bouquet can consist of a single rose or it can be as elaborate as a cascading arrangement. Keep in mind that it must reflect the nature and theme of the wedding.

The bridal bouquet should match the style of the bride’s dress and that of the groom’s suit. Check the dresses of the bridesmaids before you create the concept for the bridal bouquet. This accessory must match their silhouette and the style of the dress perfectly.

The flowers are usually darker if the bride or groom is at the second marriage. The arrangement depends on the style of the dress and the bride’s silhouette.

A simple bouquet of cut flowers, trimmed with ribbons may be appropriate for an informal wedding.

The maid of honor should have the same bouquet as the bridesmaids or she may prefer a more fragrant bouquet to honor her title. Anyway, it should be in the same colors and the same style as the bridal bouquet. The maid of honor’s bouquet must always be of a style similar to that of the bride’s bouquet.


Once the colors and style of the dresses for mothers have been determined (and stepmother and Grandma if this is the case), the bodice can be ordered.

There are several types of bodices now. They can be pinned on the waist or on a purse, worn on the wrist or attached to a cane for the elderly or disabled. It would be considerate of you to ask the preferences of those wearing it.

picture of flower delivery. Remember to order a corsage for your honeymoon outfit.


Choose a flower bouquet that matches the groom's boutonniere.

The best man, ushers, fathers and grandfathers always wear a button with their left lapel.

Flowers for the ceremony

The flower arrangements for the ceremony can be as simple or as elaborate as you want. You can place flowers at the end of each bench to add to the formality of your wedding.

The point of interest should be the decoration of the altar. You should talk to the person who is in charge of the ceremony (if it is held in a church) to find out exactly what you are allowed to do and what you are not.

Flowers should complement the colors of the ceremony site and the parade of clothes.

You can talk to the ushers to carry the flowers to the reception site. This way, you save some money for the room decorations.

You can choose silk flowers or lease arrangements.

A candlelight ceremony with flowers and ribbons can be truly magical (if allowed).

Flowers for the reception hall

The flowers delivered should match the decor and the colors of the clothes and arrangements.

You can place ferns and foliage plants (natural silk) at the head of the table.

Large table centerpieces would be appropriate for a reception with a buffet.

If you are having a reception with sit-down meals, the table should be decorated with a centerpiece made of a floral arrangement in the center and one on each side of the table if it is long. The cake should be placed on a separate table so as not to block the view.

Candlesticks and candles should be used for an evening reception only.

All guest tables should be decorated with a centerpiece.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Blackjack Card Counting Strategy


Card counting at the blackjack table is a way to acquire a long-term statistical advantage over the casino. Counting cards is difficult in blackjack and not as rewarding as it sometimes appears on television and in movies. Everyone would do it if making money was so easy.

In order to become a successful card counter in blackjack, you must be able to count a deck fast and memorize large numbers of figures and also look as if you were an amateur player. Furthermore, with today's rules, the actual advantage over the house is only 0.5% to 1.5%. You will not win money slowly and surely, but your bankroll will go up and down like a roller coaster in the short term. You can only expect to win money in the long term, after practicing card counting for hundreds of hours.

In 1962, Edward O’Thorpe wrote the book "Beat the Dealer", in which he proved through a number of data series that some cards were more favorable for the player while others were less favorable for the dealer (the banker).

Why are the low cards better for the dealer?

image of casino game. The underlying principle behind card counting in blackjack is that a deck which contains many tens and aces is good for the player and a deck which contains many small cards is good for the dealer. The explanation is rather complex, but here are two examples for you to understand it better:

1) Blackjacks are more common in a deck full of tens and aces, which increases the player’s advantage over the dealer.
2) The probability of getting busted, i.e. exceeding 21, is greater with a stiff hand (stiff hand = your first cards have a total of 12-16). The dealer must draw (hit) while the player must not.

Card counting allows you to figure out if there are more high cards left in the deck than low cards and therefore, it determines your odds and gives you an advantage over the house.

Plain card counting system in blackjack

Here is a common way to count cards depending on the value to the cards:

Twos through sixes have a value of +1;
Tens through aces have a value of -1;
Sevens, eights and nines have a value of zero.

As shown above, there are five cards with a value of +1 and five cards with a value of -1, so if you count a whole deck of cards, your total will be zero.

The player adds the values ??of these cards when he sees them. He starts at zero and then fluctuates between negative and positive values. For example, if the first hand from a deck of cards is a two (+1), a nine (0), a king (-1), an ace (-1) and a jack (-1), then the total value is – 2.


The point with this system is to bet when the deck is more advantageous to the player. Use the basic Blackjack strategy during the game. You will spend more money when the cards are in your favor and less money when the cards are in the casino's advantage, thus alternating your bets, which results in larger amounts of money won than lost!

You decide what the size of your bet is. If your first bet is 10 USD and the value is +2, then you should raise the bet to 20 USD (double as compared to your first bet).

If more than one deck is used, then card counting helps to determine how much you should invest. All you need to do is divide your current count by the number of decks left. So if there is one and a half deck left, then you divide the current count by 1.5.

Other card counting systems

There are many different card counting systems and not all of them start at zero with a freshly prepared deck. Some systems are balanced, which means that if you take an entire deck of cards and work through it, your final count is zero. An unbalanced counting system does not return a value of zero after counting through the deck.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Engagement Gift Wedding Forge Itself in Forging Class


Learning to forge your own jewelry is for creatively inclined people a really great thing. But if it is from these pieces of jewelry the can create their own wedding rings, the gift is perfect! Who can put on these rings on his big day, the partners then  have a real unique piece on their fingers. Give Engagement teaches a course on silver or gold forging, in which they can produce the happy couple's wedding rings in accordance with personal desires.

Goldsmith course as a gift on your engagement
A silver-or goldsmith course usually takes 4 to 6 hours. Here one learns how to deal with the tools and the main background information for the material. A steady hand and good vision should be brought with you, materials with a value of 100 € will be a provided. Of course, a professional consultant is always at your side!

Self-forged silver wedding rings
Engagement rings are a symbol of love and fidelity. Like a ring is hopefully something to show the love of the couple has no end. Only wedding rings are symbolic when it prepared the respective partners themselves. The personality and uniqueness that goes into such a gem can’t be bought in any store in the world!

Conversation Game for Couples - The Exciting Gift Engagement

picture of gift. Those who wish to enter into the covenant of marriage should already know the potential spouse relatively well. But you know the phenomenon that occurs even after years of questions one cannot answer about the other or with the best will be in the discussions to be more than surprised about the views of the loved one? Now, such unusual questions are resolved in time at the engagement  - thanks to the exciting topic of the conversation game!
Talk for couples
The talk box is especially designed for couples and involves many issues around the theme of love and togetherness. Here, partners can learn even more intense things. Not only for final clarity before the wedding, but of course, especially for designing beautiful evenings for two, the game is the ideal presents for the engagement.

Game for couples and parties
Themenbox alternative to "love" is also the original conversation game in which the neutral questions have to be spoken to God and the world. These an of course be used by couples, but also also suitable for parties and intimate evenings.

Posted by carlo133hoffman at 12:01 AM EST

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